Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Times You Shouldn't Refinance Your Mortgage

Thinking of refinancing your mortgage? Hang on — usually a refinance is the right choice, but not always.

Giving Back to Those Not Necessarily on Your Christmas List

The holidays is a time when many of the 'forgotten' in our country can use your donations of time. Here are some ideas to give this holiday season.

Change Your Life by Learning How to Admit You're Wrong

Mea whata? Mea culpa! Learn why admitting you're wrong frees you to pursue your goals — and reach them!

This Simple Calculation Will Tell You If You're Getting Your Money's Worth

"Use value" can help you get the most bang for your buck. And it'll probably save you a few bucks, too.

Beyond Tuition: Helping Out With College Expenses

My sister starts college this spring and I've been thinking about options for helping her out with her expenses beyond tuition. While I'd love to be able to just cover all her cost

Best Money Tips: Saving Time and Reducing Stress

Today we found some stellar articles on saving time and reducing stress, how to do the right tasks in the right order, and the biggest tax audit triggers.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Roadblocks to a Secure Retirement

Today we found articles on roadblocks to a secure retirement, things you shouldn't wait until Black Friday to buy, and a surprise fee that you might find when you rent a car.

Improve Every Conversation With One Simple Tactic

Bring empathy, understanding, and happier outcomes to important discussions and negotiations with this simple — but life-changing — conversational skill.

6 Signs Your College Is a Scam

Higher education is always a good idea, right? Wrong. Some colleges are a total scam.

14 Gift Ideas for the Truly Broke

What can you give during the holidays when you're tumbleweed-rolling-in-your-wallet broke? Look to skills for inspiration.

This Is When You Should Borrow From Your Retirement Account

The usual advice is to never, ever borrow from a retirement account. Here are a couple of scenarios when it might be a good idea.

31 Essential Kitchen Tools All Frugal Cooks Need

If your tiny kitchen space doesn't have these essentials, you're not living your best life.

Best Money Tips: Where to Find Free Antibiotics

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. We'll tell you where you can find free antibiotics, 45 of the weirdest college scholarships, and how to fight seasonal affective

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 4/10, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Credit scores and more! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

10 Most Expensive Zip Codes in the Country

Housing is probably your biggest expense — but it's probably not this big.

The 2010 Gift Wrapping Challenge

In 2009, a friend and I successfully met a challenge to wrap all gifts with alternatives to new gift paper and gift bags. Here are the results of the challenge, along with a few ti

10 Free Things That Just Aren't Worth It

Not every steal is a deal — sometimes they're just steals. Make sure you aren't getting roped in by these 10 freebies.

5 "When You're Rich" Dream Buys That Aren't That Great

So, you achieved the American dream, and came into serious money. But before you go spending all that green, a word of warning…

How Debt Fools People

People who have a natural aversion to debt often wonder how some people get themselves into such terrible problems with debt. Don't they know how much it costs? Don't they understa

Do This One Thing a Day to Defeat Clutter Forever

Got a problem with clutter? Make this one commitment, and your house (and life) will become awesomely clutter-free.