Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What Can You Buy for $1 These Days?

They say $1 ain't what it used to be, and they're right. But the humble $1 bill can still get you plenty. Here are 21 possibilities.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/10, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Back-to-School Savings! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Your 2010 Budget Revisited

With the first quarter of 2010 behind you, the economy in recovery, and a number of new laws on the books, now is a good time to review your budget for the balance of this year

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 6/2, 12pm Pacific for Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Staying cool on a budget. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate.

31 Productive Things to Do in January to Start the New Year Off Right

Make this year your greatest by making January your most productive month ever with this collection of simple, life-enhancing daily to-dos.

6 Back-to-School Items You Can Sell For Extra Cash

When school supplies are in abundance in your home, what should you do? Sell 'em!

Best Money Tips: Help Your Job-Hunting Kid

Today we found some great articles on ways to help your job-hunting kid, ways to stretch your vacation dollar, and saving money on gas.

How Much After Healthcare Reform?

How much will healthcare reform cost or save your small business? It depends.

Wise Bread's First Job Stories

From ruining a neighbor's plant to spending more than earned before even leaving work, learn about Wise Bread writers' awkward and amusing first jobs.

Here's How You Should Budget Your Social Security Checks

You don't get to quit budgeting just because you've retired. Actually, if you collect Social Security benefits, it's more important than ever.

The How, When, and Why of Extending Trade Credit

Deciding how, when, and to whom you extend credit, is just one part of an overall credit and accounts receivable management system.

Big List of Birthday Freebies

It's your birthday, time to take advantage of the one day of the year that people have to be nice to you. Take a look at all the things companies are willing to give you for free!

Best Money Tips: Easy Steps to Organize Your Kitchen

Today we found some great articles on easy steps to organize your kitchen, cheap home improvements you can do this winter, and movie theater hacks.

Telecommuting Is Not Just an HR Perk

Economic, environmental, and continuity of operations demands suggest that telecommuting is more than an HR perk.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save on Filling Your Tank

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save on filling your tank, withdrawing money from your 401k, and frugal date suggestions.

6 Foods Scientifically Proven to Increase Your Lifespan

You can extend your stay on this mortal coil by adding these lifespan lengtheners to your diet. Bonus? They're delicious, too.

Best Money Tips: 19 Outrageously Overpriced Products

Today we found articles on the most overpriced products out there, tips for camping in the fall and winter, and things to consider before ordering groceries online.

How to Get People to Work for You Cheap (or Free)

There are several ways you can still get quality people to work for you for very little, or deferred payment, or even free.

Best Money Tips: Fun Ideas for the 4th of July

Today we found some awesome articles on fun ideas for the 4th of July, 11 crazy alternative investments, and tips for in-school debt management.

7 All Natural Home Remedies for Colds

Don't fill your medicine cabinet with pricey cold remedies containing dubious ingredients. Feel better naturally with these homemade elixirs.