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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

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5 Social Media Stars Who Earn Way More Than You

These famous Internet faces are raking in all the cash. Probably way more than you are.

15 Things You Should Buy at Costco

You know there are great deals to be had at Costco, but you really should be buying these 15 things at Costco and not anywhere else.

5 Decisions With Unexpected Financial Consequences

Our decisions can leave deep and lasting impacts on our future financial health, even if they don't seem to be connected to money. Here are five you must watch for.

Best Money Tips: How to Enjoy Hawaii Without Going Broke

Today we found articles on ways to enjoy Hawaii without going broke, smart moves for career women this fall, and decorating ideas for a good night’s sleep.

Three E-Books to Help You Make Money, Travel, and Change Your Life

It’s no secret that many of us are looking for something different in life. And one of the biggest things we can change about our lives is how we work. If we are not tied to a desk

6 Unconventional Ways to Find Your Next Job

If LinkedIn has stopped producing leads, it's time to take the job search somewhere new. Here are six great ideas that might get you your next gig.

Flashback Friday: 54 Frugal Hobbies You Should Try Immediately

A new hobby doesn't need to drain your bank account. Have fun learning a new skill for next to zero dollars!

12 Delicious, Healthy, and Inexpensive Snack Options

Skip expensive store bought, processed snack "foods," and replace them with these real food snacks that cost less in dollars and calories.

4 Ways to Eat Less Salt Without Losing Flavor

Americans consume far more sodium than they should (blame processed foods). Reduce your intake with some simple steps that don't sacrifice flavor.

Create a Reverse Bucket List to Improve Your Money Management

A "reverse bucket list" — a running tally of all the wonderful things you've already accomplished — can be the perfect personal finance motivator.

Networking Basics for Regular People

Competition for jobs is fierce but networking is one way of differentiating yourself as a stellar candidate. Here are tips on networking basics as well as ideas on how to avoid see

Best Money Tips: Make Your Clothes Last Longer

Today we found some great articles on making your clothes last longer, superfoods you can actually afford, and ways to keep your receipts in order.

8 Best Sites to Help Your Kids Learn About Money

Money lessons can be, well, a little dry for younger minds. Make them fun with these interactive websites!

8 Free (and 4 cheap) Things to Do in Auckland with a Toddler

Sometimes getting out and exploring a city, especially when traveling overseas, can be difficult to do with young children. While this list may contain specific free and cheap item

How to Stop Being Afraid and Live Your Dreams

We know we have to put ourselves out there, but rejection and failure are hard. Learn how to overcome that fear and reach for what you want.

12 Everyday Money Tasks You've Been Doing Wrong

Minimum payments, retail therapy, yikes! Don't let these bad money blunders burn through your cash.

How Foreclosure, Deed in Lieu, and Short Sale Affect Credit Scores

Currently millions of Americans are delinquent on their home loans or facing foreclosure. Foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, and short sales are several ways for borrowers t

25 Ways to Be a Better, Happier Person

Want to make the world a better place? Start by making a better you with these 25 easy, feel good self-improvements.

Giving Back to Those Not Necessarily on Your Christmas List

The holidays is a time when many of the 'forgotten' in our country can use your donations of time. Here are some ideas to give this holiday season.