Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Four C's of Applying for and Managing your Credit

What exactly is your credit score? What factors are weighed when you apply for a loan? How can you improve your credit and ability to get great loan rates? And how can you unwittin

4 Tips for Making Resolutions Stick in the New Year

Almost everybody makes New Year's resolutions, and almost nobody keeps them for more than a few weeks. But resolutions can work — here's how.

The Pros and Cons of Autopay

Is bill autopay the answer to your problems, or just another problem? As with so many things, it's likely a little of both.

11 Open House Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow

You may be excited about finding your dream home, but you still need to mind your manners at an open house.

What You Need vs. What You Want and How to Tell the Difference

Learn to distinguish between what you need, what you need in certain conditions, and what you want.

Mend a Broken Heart Without Breaking the Bank

If you and your significant other recently called it kaput, don’t bury yourself in spending sprees — try some of these frugal self-help therapies instead.

5 Habits That Kill Your Buying Power

Stop paying more for less. These bad shopping habits will leave your wallet worse for wear.

Get your piece of the Diamond Class Action pie.

Hands up if you bought diamond jewelry between 1994 and 2006. Well, if you did you can claim some of the $295 million that has been set aside in the DeBeers class action lawsuit.

Best Money Tips: The Debt Movement Edition

In honor of The Debt Movement, we wanted to share with you some of the best debt related articles we have published over the years!

5 Reasons You Definitely Need Renters' Insurance

Yes, renters, you totally need to insure your stuff — and yourself — from mishaps big and small. Don't economize here!

Debt Collectors Are Calling My Family — Now What?

Managing debt isn't easy. And it gets even more difficult when debt collectors start hounding your family members. Know your rights.

25 Things I Don't Want to Regret Once I Retire...

I met with an elderly couple today in their home to execute some planning documents. While neither of them ever had jobs as professionals and neither inherited any money from fa

Best Money Tips: Sources of Free Entertainment

Today we found some fantastic articles on sources of free entertainment, the best items to buy now, and retirement planning in your 20s.

10 Things You Can Totally Regift — And 7 Things You Shouldn't

What to do with those unused candles, frying pans, or ugly sweaters? Regift them, of course!

Last-Minute Holiday Shopping: Highlights from Our Chat With Andrea Woroch

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Andrea Woroch on last-minute holiday shopping!

Eating Cheap While Abroad

I've been on the go a lot this last year: I lived in Dublin for four months, accompanied my family to Israel, and made it to plenty of other points on the globe. But no matter

45 Special Sweet Potato Dishes

One of the world's true superfoods, the sweet potato is also delicious and versatile. Add some sweet potato to your menu today!

December Deals That Are Better Than Black Friday

December is packed with major sales even after Black Friday and Cyber Monday have ended. Here are the shopping dates you need to know.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 1/24, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Having a Frugal Winter! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Keeping Your Head (when all around you are losing theirs)

I'm going to be honest with you--the last three weeks have been the most stressful I've ever experienced at work. Between moving into a new po