Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Breaking the Bread Code: How to Get the Freshest Loaf

Discover the color code that will lead you to the freshest loaf on the store shelf every time.

How to Get Laid Off: A Step-By-Step Guide

It seems ironic in this economy, and with a high unemployment rate, that anyone would want advice about getting kicked from a job. But last week a question was posed to me, and it

Home Equity Loan or HELOC: Which Is Right for You?

You have equity in your home, and you need to borrow money. Should you turn to a HELOC or a home equity loan?

5 Personal Loan Fees You Should Never, Ever Pay

The whole point of getting a loan is to avoid the high interest rates and added fees of a credit card. So make sure you're avoiding all of that with personal loans, too.

8 Technologies We Wish Were Never Invented

The future is now — and it's slightly more annoying, unhealthy, and destructive than we we ever dreamed of. Where's the "undo" button?

The Simple Way to Decide How Much Rent You Can Really Afford

Before you set out to find your next great rental apartment or home, take a good look at your income. What can you afford?

Top 5 Ways Thieves Use Your Stolen Credit Card

Your credit card is gone. By the time you report the loss, it's likely one of the following crimes has already happened.

10 Smart and Frugal Uses for Epsom Salt

Instead of buying expensive cleaners and beauty products, you can save a ton of cash if you use good old fashioned epsom salt instead.

The vicious Home Rental Scam – don’t get conned.

It seems like new variations of the Nigerian 419 scam pop up every week. The one that caught my attention recently involved renting a home, and it’s a nasty trick that could take a

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have Frugal Fun?

Tell us how you have frugal fun and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Workouts

You really meant to do your workout today, but… Replace those I-meant-tos with actual workouts with some simple, effective motivators.

Keys Locked in the Trunk? Here's What to Do

A moment of absent-mindedness, and now your keys are locked in the trunk. Don't panic! Follow this guide to get back on the road.

5 Ways to Grow Your Savings Without a Steady Paycheck

Without a steady paycheck, a savings plan may seem like a pipe dream. But freelancers and part-timers can do it. Here's how.

7 Ways to Make Amazon Pay YOU!

Online retail giant Amazon may be known as a shopper's mecca, but you can also earn significant cash from the site, too. Here's how.

15 Ways to Make Brown Bagging It Better Than Buying Lunch

You know bringing your own lunch can save you tons — but bleh. Make your midday meal a real reward and you'll win twice.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Summer Parties?

Tell us about how you save on summer parties and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 6 Healthiest Grocery Stores

Grocery stores often try to trick you into making unhealthy — and costly — food choices. Shop at these stores for healthier marketing.

Here's What to Do If You Can't Afford Your Mortgage Payment

If tough finances have made you miss some mortgage payments, it's time to get proactive with your lender — and your budget.

Where Are They Now? The Forgotten Dollar Bills (and Coins)

You may have money on your mind, but these notes and coins are all but forgotten. They are still legal tender, though!

17 DIY Projects to Make Your Home Look Amazing (and 3 You Shouldn't Try)

Stop staring at those ugly cabinets and do something! These easy DIY projects can totally transform your home.