Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 10 Best Networking Tips for People Under 40

Getting ahead in the world is all about who you know, so get out there and start meeting the people who can push you forward!

18 Easy and Delicious Ways to Enjoy Apples

It's apple season! Bring home a couple bushels and start snacking your way through these sweet and savory and easy-to-make apple treats.

How to Get the Greenest Lawn on the Block — Naturally

A lush lawn does not require a lush dollar amount. Try one of these inexpensive and environmentally-kind tricks to get the greenest grass on the block.

Why You Should Be Saving Big With Bi-Weekly Mortgage Payments

Paying your mortgage every couple of weeks instead of monthly can shave thousands in interest costs, but going bi-weekly is not a simple as it seems.

5 Ways Good Manners Make You Wealthier

Getting rich isn't easy. But it can be a whole lot easier if you mind your P's and Q's!

Banks Still Offering Free Checking and Savings with Great Interest Rates

Tired of fee-gouging from your old bank? Here are the banks with the best checking and savings terms.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Valentine's Day?

Tell us how you save money on Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

DO NOT buy a digital camera online until you read this.

Wisebread readers, take note. This is not just a case of buyer beware. [more]

How to Build Wealth in a Depressed Economy

Recessions seem like they're just doom-and-gloom, but they can also be a great time to implement your wealth-building strategy.

5 Fun, Affordable Train Trips

The next time you have a long weekend, get off the highway and onto an iron horse and see the country by rail.

8 Easy DIY Car Repairs to Save Big

When it comes to small auto repairs, skip the repair shop and find your inner greasemonkey — it's much cheaper and plenty satisfying, too.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Gas?

Tell us how you save on gas, and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Grocery Shopping for the Cheap and Lazy

You can be incredibly lazy and still eat well for very little (while avoiding Top Ramen). Dine at home and save a bunch on food without ever making a shopping list.

7 Career Tips You Wish You Could Give Your Younger Self

Don't you wish a future you would come back and tell you which career choices you should make?

9 Things That Really Annoy Hiring Managers

When heading to a job interview, you want to impress the hiring managers. So make sure to avoid doing these nine things that really annoy them.

Top 6 Reasons Why Using Cash-Only Rocks

While I am a cash-only person by circumstance (paid off the credit cards and never reopened accounts), I am so grateful that I live in a cash world.

Invest Your Time in These 13 Things While You're in Your 20s

When we're in our 20s we feel possibility ahead of us as nearly infinite. Grasp it by laying the foundation of your future when you're young, smart, and full of health.

The 16 Cardinal Rules of Loaning Money to Friends and Family

Actually, the simplest rule is "Don't." But if you must, here's what you do to make it as painless as possible.

What the New Credit Card Formula Means for Your Wallet

FICO has a new formula for determining credit scores, and it should help borrowers. Find out how it might help you, too.

9 Money Secrets of the Amish

The lifestyle of the Amish includes hard work and simple living — which also equals more money in the bank. Could simpler finances work for you?