Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 Frugal Things I Do, 4 Spendthrift Confessions

On a regular basis, I review, update and fine-tune my list of 25 Frugal Habits. Home-made spa treatments and a cable-free home are a few of my top money-saving habits. Recycling, e

Best Money Tips: Commonly Overlooked Tax Deductions

Today we found some stellar articles on commonly overlooked tax deductions, where you can learn home improvement skills, and tips for escalating your productivity.

Are Americans Experiencing Frugality Fatigue?

Are Americans suffering from "frugality fatigue"? After a year of tightened belts and tighter fists, we're reaching for our wallets again and returning to our bad old ways. Or so t

This Interview Technique Will Get You Hired

Don't let your next job interview become another tale about the one that got away. Use this key technique to present the most employable you.

5 American Cities Where You Can Retire On Just Social Security

If Social Security is your primary post-retirement income, it may be time to move. Maybe to one of these five low-cost U.S. cities.

The Debt Trap: Factors That Have Led Us To Our Debt

We're a nation of borrowers. This reality is quite well illustrated by the personal stories and profiles covered by various media publications on the subject of consumer debt. Rec

How to Accept Criticism and Become an Awesome Person

Sometimes criticism, even if constructive, is tough to take. Here's how to grow a thicker skin so you can learn and grow from those critical comments.

Best Money Tips: The Worst Foods for Your Body

Today we found articles on the worst things you can eat, how to get more done today, and cheap ways to get excited for Halloween.

Does More Detergent Make for More Clean?

There's an easier way to save money on cleaning supplies than making your own: Use less.

10 Ways to Save Money on a Great American Road Trip

Family road trip season will be here soon. Plan ahead and follow these tips to keep costs under control.

How Much Personal Finance Info Should You Share?

TMI doesn't just apply to your health and love life. You might not want to spill all the beans on your finances, either.

Best Money Tips: The X-Men Guide to Unlocking Your Financial Mutant Powers

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we get all X-Men on your finances with an entertaining look at the financial powers that each character may hold. We'

10 Ways to Stop Being Impatient and Live a More Satisfied Life

In our hurry up and wait culture, patience is a virtue. Read on to cultivate your sense of patience, no waiting necessary.

Flashback Friday: 34 Ways Fitness Can Improve Your Finances

Your sweat sessions can do more than just get you in shape — they can teach you how to manage your money, too!

Make Easy Money and Learn a Thing or Two About Website Design

Finding new ways to make some extra cash are a dime a dozen. But how many of them are interesting and teach you something useful at the same time? Here is one way to make some extr

Best Money Tips: Cheap Things to Do With Your Kids on Spring Break

Today we found some fantastic articles on cheap things to do with your kids on spring break, costly mistakes taxpayers make, and smart ways to use extra cash.

8 Important Reasons to Always Call In Sick When You're Sick

Don't try to power through a cold or the flu. Listen to your body and stay in bed — you and the rest of us will feel better for it.

Best Money Tips: Things You Should and Shouldn’t Buy at Walmart

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. In this article, we tell you what you should and shouldn’t buy at mega-retailer Walmart, how you can walk out of Vegas a bit les

Best Money Tips: Cook Food From a Hotel Room

Today we found some awesome articles on cooking food from a hotel room, psychological life hacks, and building a resume when you have nothing to put on it.

Best Money Tips: How to Live in a Big City on a Small Budget

Today we found articles on tips for living in a big city on a small budget, over a hundred ways to save money in college, and amazing places to see fall foliage.