Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How To Deal With Small Biz Contest Winnings

Contests can be a great way to boost your exposure -- including your tax exposure.

Affiliate Marketing, the IRS and You

If you're running an affiliate marketing program to boost your sales, be sure you're complying with IRS reporting requirements.

5 Ways You May Benefit from the American Jobs Act

Details of the President's latest economic stimulus plan have been released. What's in it for small business?

Best Money Tips: Improve Your 2018 Finances in 5 Quick Steps

Today we found articles on quick ways to improve your finances in 2018, rules for an affordable New Year’s Eve party, and strategies to keep your resolutions going.

The Art of Sucking Up

Flattery won't take you far. But sucking up will.

Best Money Tips: How to Book Cheap Flights

Today we found some awesome articles on how to book cheap flights, dividing expenses as a couple, and tips for saving on daily living.

8 Other Green Cleaners Already in Your House

You know about the miraculous properties of baking soda and vinegar, but there are plenty more effective, all-natural cleaners you might already have around.

Save $115 to $150 on portable DVD players.

I was sat on my computer quietly doing a little url hacking (75% off at Amazon...I'll show you how in a future post) and I came across these deals purely by chance. [more]

15 Alternatives to Nagging

If you need other people to do things, you don't need to nag. These gentle methods will get things done without driving you (or anyone else) crazy.

Best Money Tips: Slash Prom Costs

Today we found some great articles on slashing prom costs, trimming your entertainment budget, and cheap foods that may build a better brain.

5 Ways New Parents Can Manage Debt

Don't let debt distract you from the joy of new parenthood. With some careful planning, you can handle both.

Turning a cold war spy secret into a cheap anti-theft device

In the days of old, when spies passed messages to each other, they used many hidden messages. One of these methods was to hide the information in a dot of plastic or microfilm about the size of a pin head, and then end a sentence with it. [more]

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 6/7, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Financial Checkup Time! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

8 Ways Your Savings Account May Be Costing You

A savings account is meant to be useful, but when it starts costing more than it's worth, look to stash your cash elsewhere.

Shoddy PC repair tech caught in sting operation.

I don't know why, but I get some kind of perverse pleasure from watching scammers get caught in the act. Maybe it's the consumer watchdog in me? Anyway, in the UK there's a fabulous consumer show called House Of Horrors. [more]

Best Money Tips: Cheap Summer Vacations

Today we found some fantastic articles on cheap summer vacations, grocery shopping on a budget, and staying home with your kids.

4 Questions to Ask Before Getting Trendy Beauty Treatments

Before you risk your money — and your health! — on a trendy new beauty treatment, there are some things you should consider.

Cleaning House With Dr. Bronner

A few years ago, I noticed that, not only did I seem to spend a little more cash than I was comfortable with on cleaning products for my house, but I was having a sort of reaction to them: he [more]

“Avoid These Fast Food Items,” Say Fast Food Employees

A collection of former and current fast food employees recently shared their "do not eats" — here are some of the highlights.

Best Money Tips: Effective Ways to Make More Money

Today we found some great articles on ways to boost your income, how to create a minimalist kitchen, and common misconceptions about social security.