Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What are Your Favorite Deals? (Chance to win $20)

In this week’s Ask The Readers, we’re focusing on our Best Deals Today roundup, and a

15 Life Hacks for College Students (or Anyone Else Trying to Save Money)

Making ends is tough for students — or anybody else on a tight budget. Get inventive and start solving everyday problems without spending a lot.

5 Smart Places to Stash Your Kid's College Savings

Sending your kids to college is expensive. These investment vehicles are the smartest ways to start saving up.

What Dreams Mean About Personal Finance

Until recently, it had never occurred to me that dreams could offer insights into financial and career dilemmas. Then I had a dream that revealed a financial fear, and finally di

WATCH: The 10 Craziest Annual 4th of July Fireworks Displays

The 4th of July means Main Street parades, backyard barbecues, and fantastic fireworks. Here's where to find the best shows, from coast to coast.

Best Money Tips: Tuition-Free Colleges

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we share the world of tuition-free colleges, how to decode and decrease the ER bill, and why it doesn't matter how much you

Best Money Tips: Ways to Use Your Phone to Save at the Grocery Store

Today we found articles ways your phone can help you slash grocery costs, how afford an amazing trip in 2017, and date night ideas for busy parents.

Prizes and Freebies from CoupSmart for the iPhone

This week, I discovered a new iPhone app called CoupSmart when a reader alerted me to the fact that they had won $200 just for using it. Here’s the scoop for anyone else who’s int

The 5 Best Sleeping Bags

Looking to enjoy the great outdoors without being overwhelmed by the elements? Stay safe and comfy with one of these five sleeping bags.

Should You Pay Your Bills With a Credit Card?

It's the easiest way to rack up more rewards. Just keep a few caveats in mind.

10 Favorite Mail-Order Websites

Here are my 10 mail-order websites that I love for their great customer service and quality products.

The 5 Best Solar Chargers

Do your gadgets always run out of battery in the middle of the day? These five solar chargers let you use the sun to recharge them on the go.

11 Ways Freelancers and Telecommuters Can Make Friends and Network

Working from home has its perks, but let's face facts — it gets a bit lonesome.

The Key to Frugality: Avoid the Fear Tax

Learn how to eliminate purchases made out of fear by asking yourself two simple questions.

Best Money Tips: Make Veterinary Bills More Affordable

Today we found some amazing articles on making veterinary bills more affordable, building a new job wardrobe on the cheap, and saving money when you move.

9 Surprising Uses for Empty Beer and Soda Cans

Don't throw away those empty beverage cans. With a few basic tools and a little imagination, you can put them to all sorts of uses.

Travel and Money: Carrying Decoy Wallets

Here’s a technique for protecting your cash — and your identity — from being stolen in one fell swoop when you're traveling.

This Is How You Grill Pizza at Home

Your grill is great for ribs and dogs and burgers — and it's great for pizza, too. Try grilled pizza for a fun and delicious outdoor meal.

12 Ways Kids Can Teach Us About Money

If you pay attention, kids can teach a lot about money — from smart ways to save to healthy attitudes about self worth. Watch for these lessons.

Best Money Tips: Save $570/Year By Making These Foods at Home

Today we found articles on how to save over $500 a year just by making certain foods at home, tips to organize your day for productivity, and ways to be a better leader at any age.