Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Tricks to Keeping Your Kitchen Clean While You Cook

Keeping tidy while cooking makes for better meals and easier clean-up, and it doesn't take a lot of effort with these labor-saving shortcuts.

8 Money-Saving Hacks for Those Who Hate Cooking

Don't let your disdain for cooking keep you from saving money. These easy meal hacks will make food prep a breeze.

What Happens When Your Credit Card Debt Is Charged Off?

A “charge off” on your credit card debt doesn’t mean it’s disappearing. Take action before your credit score takes a huge hit.

Should the First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit be Expanded and Extended?

The $8000 first time homebuyer's tax credit is set to expire on November 30th. This means that those who want to take advantage of this refundable credit have only a couple months

Best Money Tips: Free Ways to Entertain Yourself at Home

Today we found some fantastic articles on free ways to entertain yourself at home, free exercises that will help you get in shape, and advice for college graduates without debt.

This Simple Mistake on a Credit Application May Cost You

Your income plays a big role on credit card applications. Report it wisely (and honestly!) for best results — especially if you freelance.

Save Enough on Meat to Buy a Chest Freezer

I ended my worries over where our beef comes from by investing in a quarter cow and a chest freezer. I considered the cost of the freezer as the cost of having the hormone-free, no

25 Beautiful Things You Can Make With Paint Sample Cards

The cheapest way to spruce up a space is with paint. Sample paint chips, that is.

Is a Prepaid Debit Card Really Cheaper and Better than a Bank Debit Card?

A few month ago, my husband received an unsolicited Visa Debit Card from NetSpend and I wrote about it here on Wise Bread. What I found interesting was that several commenters defe

5 Amazing, Cheap Places to Live as an Expat

Looking for adventure overseas but don't know how to afford it? These five places welcome expats, and you may even fly home with more in savings.

Why Your Personal Savings Rate Matters

Banks and other big financial players measure and track lots of data about their performance. Here's one you should start tracking, too.

25 Frugal Things I Do, 4 Spendthrift Confessions

On a regular basis, I review, update and fine-tune my list of 25 Frugal Habits. Home-made spa treatments and a cable-free home are a few of my top money-saving habits. Recycling, e

Best Money Tips: Commonly Overlooked Tax Deductions

Today we found some stellar articles on commonly overlooked tax deductions, where you can learn home improvement skills, and tips for escalating your productivity.

5 American Cities Where You Can Retire On Just Social Security

If Social Security is your primary post-retirement income, it may be time to move. Maybe to one of these five low-cost U.S. cities.

The Debt Trap: Factors That Have Led Us To Our Debt

We're a nation of borrowers. This reality is quite well illustrated by the personal stories and profiles covered by various media publications on the subject of consumer debt. Rec

How to Accept Criticism and Become an Awesome Person

Sometimes criticism, even if constructive, is tough to take. Here's how to grow a thicker skin so you can learn and grow from those critical comments.

10 Ways to Save Money on a Great American Road Trip

Family road trip season will be here soon. Plan ahead and follow these tips to keep costs under control.

Best Money Tips: The X-Men Guide to Unlocking Your Financial Mutant Powers

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we get all X-Men on your finances with an entertaining look at the financial powers that each character may hold. We'

Flashback Friday: 34 Ways Fitness Can Improve Your Finances

Your sweat sessions can do more than just get you in shape — they can teach you how to manage your money, too!

Best Money Tips: Cheap Things to Do With Your Kids on Spring Break

Today we found some fantastic articles on cheap things to do with your kids on spring break, costly mistakes taxpayers make, and smart ways to use extra cash.