Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

3 Things You Should Consider Before Selling Your House for Cash

You just got a cash offer for your home! Before you sell, consider these important things first.

11 Essential Documents You Should Keep in Your Safe

Keep the necessary documents to establish your identity and financial history in a safe, so you can recover from identity theft, fire, or home invasion.

9 Signs Your Identity Was Stolen

Usually, you know when you're the victim of a crime. But identity theft can be a sneaky, subtle scam. Watch out for these warnings.

Should You Wait to Go to College?

For many people, college is the immediate next step after high school. But sometimes, that's not the best decision to make.

8 Ways Clutter Keeps You Poor

Clutter looks bad, stresses you out — and it costs you money. It's time to start moving your stuff from lots to profit.

Why the Age of Your Credit History Matters

Your credit history is like a fine wine — the longer it matures, the better it is.

7 Easy Ways to Calculate Your New Car Budget

A shiny new set of wheels can really loosen your purse strings. Don't hit the dealership without knowing what you can truly afford.

5 Money Moves Every Single Parent Should Make

Raising a kid by yourself takes strength, resilience, and perhaps most importantly, a solid financial footing.

Will house prices keep dropping?

I don't think much of the "buy low, sell high" model for house purchases. I think a house should be purchased as a place to live, in which case the main questions are whether you

Does Your Kid Need an IRA?

Ready to give your child a mega financial jumpstart? Consider opening them a Roth IRA.

24 Places to Buy Inexpensive Natural Beauty Products

Highlight more of your natural beauty for less money! Here's where to find high quality, inexpensive natural beauty products, online and off.

How to Save for Retirement While Caring for Kids and Parents

In between caring for your parents and your kids, you need to care for yourself, too — especially your financial future self.

5 Ways to Make Adoption Affordable

The road to starting a family isn't always direct — or easy to pay for. Make adoption more affordable with grants, tax credits, and creativity.

5 Questions You Should Ask at Every Job Interview

Don't waste an opportunity — be sure to ask these questions during your next job interview to help determine whether the position is the right fit for you.

17 Part-Time Jobs to Do While Your Kids Are at School

While the kids are away, SAHMs and SAHDs can earn some extra pay!

7 Steps to Improving Your Critical Thinking

With all the information we're faced with every day, it can be hard to know what's what. These seven steps will help you get closer to the truth.

5 Questions to Ask Before Sending Your Child to Private School

Not sure if private school is right for your child? Get the answers to these questions before you decide.

7 Everyday Situations That Introverts Ace

The Internet loves an introvert — and you should too! Our more introspective friends are total aces in these social settings.

The 5 Best Anti-Aging Creams

You can have healthy and younger looking skin just by using the right anti-aging cream. Just use one of these best five choices.

10 Flight Booking Hacks to Save You Hundreds

Don't book another flight online until you've read this! It could save you a ton of money.