Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Lifestyle Upgrades: Beware the Diderot Effect

Upgrading one thing doesn't mean you need to upgrade another and another — although it can feel that way. And there's a name for that — the Diderot Effect.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 1/25, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Keeping Super Bowl Sunday Frugal! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Stocking the Perfect Love Nest

Plan a romantic date night in with a little attention to detail.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 3/1, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Music on the Cheap. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

6 Simple Ways to Save Money by Tracking Your Receipts

Don't toss that receipt! Find out how to use that little scrap of paper to uncover some serious savings.

Pet Peeves Part 1: Couture Critters Are Expensive!

It costs a pretty penny to lavish your fur baby in the life of luxury.

10 Tricks to Avoid Workout Burnout

Don't sabotage your fitness goals by giving in before fitness becomes a habit. Stay on track by knowing when to ease up and when to power through.

Does the Forever Stamp Make Cents?

The United States Postal Service announced that they may issue a "forever stamp" - that is, a stamp that you can buy now, at a given price, that will be good into eternity. [more]

5 Reasons Why I Don’t Clip Coupons

Many people consider clipping coupons to be one of the major tenets of frugal living. But all that time spent searching and snipping might not be worth it.

7 Ways to Negotiate Medical Bills

Don't ignore a hefty medical bill. If you think there might be an error, or you can't afford to pay, it's time to negotiate.

6 Ways You're Wearing Out Your Furnace Too Soon

You don't want your furnace to break down in the dead of winter. Here's how you might be wearing it out too soon.

Enjoy Lawsuit-free Music

That usually means buying it, of course. And if you think buying music can be pricey, imagine the cost of paying the RIAA off in an effort to stay out of court. Can I legally download non RIAA music? [more]

Best Money Tips: Free Items You Should Take From Hotels

Today we found some great articles on free items you should take from hotels, questions to ask before hiring a financial advisor, and where to find freebies.

Eat Less Sugar With These 10 Simple Tricks

Cutting back on the sweet stuff isn't easy — but it's definitely worth it. Be sweeter to your health with some simple ways to go sugar-free.

How to Tell If Your Vacation Package Is a Good Deal

Bundled vacation packages tend to help consumers save. But are they truly a good deal?

A Journey to Vocational Freedom: Focusing your Dreams with Goals

Instead of a how-to article, or even a "Top 10" list, I want to tell you part of my own story. I've tried to put this into a list, tried to make it into something else, and I just keep coming back to the story. [more]

Playing the Lottery Is a Bad Gamble

The recent Mega Millions jackpot serves as a reminder that as awesome as winning the lottery would be, you might be better off not buying a ticket.

Here's What a Balance Transfer Does to Your Credit

A balance transfer can help you pay down debt faster, but it comes with some costs, including a few you may not see.

Ring. Ring. Ka-ching! Lying About Your Telephone Tax

I haven't had a landline in years. I'm dead serious. Years. So, I was bummed to hear that this year, the "sorry you were cheated initially when we taxed you too much" refund that we get back is for long distance telephone service. [more]

35 Mouth Watering Lentil Recipes

The humble, affordable lentil is delicious and full of protein. You're sure to find something tasty in this collection of 35 easy to prepare lentil recipes.