Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Impulse Shopping: A Controllable Handicap

A friend of mine has a pathological weakness for impulse shopping. But using the techniques outlined here, she dug herself out of debt and into impulse shopping bliss.

Unauthorized Video Game Hack May Net Consumers Up to $35

Discussion over the original version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas might have ended with its recall in 2005. A recent class-a

How the Banks Were Fleeced -- A Primer to Mortgage Fraud

Have you seen homes in your neighborhood sell for unreasonable prices and quickly end up in foreclosure? If this is a common occurence then perhaps there is a ring of thieves commi

Best Money Tips: Frugal Ways to Beat the Winter Blahs

Today we found some stellar articles on frugal ways to beat the winter blahs, resources for a complete job search, and what to do with unwanted gifts.

Best Money Tips: Tips for Spending Less Money

Today we found some great articles on tips for spending less money, keeping the peace when parents move in with their adult children, and selling your clothes for cash.

How Do You Spend Money When Traveling?

The urge to save money is a defining characteristic of the budget traveler. But is there ever a time when it is actually a good idea to spend money? If it will healthfully support

15 Awesome Storage Solutions for Under $10

Feeling the need to do some Spring Cleaning? Not sure where to stash all your stuff? These storage solutions are not only clever, but they are super-affordable (many are free!)

Best Money Tips: Frugal Ways to Enjoy Spring

Today we found some awesome articles on frugal was to enjoy spring, how to make your side business a success, and managing financial risk.

Ask the Readers: Do You Spring Clean?

Tell us whether or not you clean house each spring and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Loyalty Programs You've Never Heard Of

Today we found customer loyalty programs you’ve never heard of, overlooked expenses that ruin your budget, and cheap ways to treat yourself.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Easter Crafts for Kids

Today we found some stellar articles on cheap Easter crafts for kids, ways to save $100 in a month, and debt lessons from The Pursuit of Happyness.

The Bailbondsman Approach Part Deux: Fiscal Stimulus No Gonna Workie

Paul Michael essentially wrote this post in January but it needs to be said again. A culture that remedies a systemic problem that stems from borrowing, with, well...more borrowing

Ask the Readers: Do You Buy Apps?

Tell us if you buy apps and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What's an employee to do? Part 2

The trend toward replacing traditional employees with varying combinations of temps, contractors, outsourcing, and off-shoring is old news now.  That gives us a bit of perspective

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Best Job Interview Tip?

Tell us your best job interview tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: Do You Have Financial Resolutions for 2013?

Tell us if you have financial resolutions for 2013 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Get Your Free Chicken and Caffeine on May 15th

This Thursday there will be two nation-wide promotions offering treats to customers of McDonalds and Dunkin’ Donuts. While I’m a fan of chicken and waffles, I’ve never done chicke

Ask the Readers: Do You Regift?

Tell us whether you regift and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Get a Job Quickly

Today we found some stellar articles on ways to get a job quick, upping your LinkedIn game, and tips for finding and using online coupons.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Way to Beat the Heat?

Tell us about your favorite way to beat the heat and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!