Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Habits of Effective Credit Card Users

Today we found some excellent articles on habits of highly effective credit card users, getting the discipline you need to reach your goals, and things to buy on Black Friday.

9 Unexpected First Jobs of the Wealthy and Famous

The next time you read about a famous celebrity or business tycoon, remember that their glamorous career wasn't always that way.

To Payroll or Not: Hiring Contract vs. Salary Employees

You have some projects coming down the pipe that you need additional staff for. What do you do: offer your potential new team player an independent contract or full-time salary

5 Ways to Stay Profitable in Changing Times

A few weeks ago, after enduring a major rainstorm during a cycling training event, I accepted a ride back to my starting point at a local bicycle shop. The shuttle driver happen

Energy Price Spikes

There are several ways to help deal with spikes in energy prices, but the main one is simple: Get used to it.

Best Money Tips: Reduce Baggage While Traveling

Today we found some awesome articles on how to reduce baggage when traveling, creating a budget, and questions to ask your financial advisor.

8 Personal Finance Moves You Can Make While Jogging

Personal finance while jogging? With apps that make managing money easier than ever, fitness time can also be personal finance time.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money on Streaming Services

Today we found articles on ways to save on streaming services, lifestyle changes to make while you’re paying off debt, and over 200 amazing upcycling ideas.

Best Money Tips: Things Receptionists Won't Tell You

Today we found some great articles about things receptionists won't tell you, how to keep your A/C bill down this summer, and how to get free stuff.

How a $14 Gift Increased Sales by 669%

This is a story of a tiny company that did a good deed, and that deed alone generated a massive growth in sales literally overnight.

5 Site Metrics Every Small Business Should Track

If you're not paying attention to your site analytics, your business is leaving money on the table. Here are the most important metrics that you'll want to track.

From a Snapple Marketing Veteran: How to Tap the Power of Packaging

Learn how to make your product stand out from the competition.

Why Now's the Right Time to Jumpstart Your Career

Americans have more job opportunities than ever before. Are you making the most of it?

Best Money Tips: How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on how to eat healthy on a budget, qualities that will impress your boss, and credit card mistakes to avoid.

9 Real Estate Clauses to Watch Out For

If you're planning to lease space for your business, make sure you're aware of all the associated fees — otherwise, you could be in for serious sticker shock.

The College Freshman Budget

College can be where you get your first taste of independence...including financial independence. Make sure you enjoy it without blowing all your cash.

Ways to Track Debt

If you're not keeping track of debt, you're probably not making much progress in paying it off. Follow one of these methods to easily track and pay off your debt.

8 Ways Having Kids Makes You More Frugal

For some of us frugality is a choice. For the rest, it's a choice we're given — usually when we're blessed with a couple more mouths to feed.

Best Money Tips: How to Make People Like You

Today we found some great articles on how to make people like you, 10 ways to save money now, and making extra money with yard sales.

7 Mental Roadblocks Between You and More Money

It's tough to find business success in a tough economic climate. Are your mental roadblocks making it tougher?