Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 12 Best Days to Get Free Stuff

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you the best days to score freebies, how to m

Make Your Computer Last (Almost) Forever With Some Simple Tricks

Computer makers expect you to buy a new one every three years or so. That's nuts! Extend the life of your machine with some basic maintenance.

Travel and Money: How to Get and Carry Cash Safely and Securely

When you travel, it can be easy to be labeled as a tourist, which automatically makes you a target for theft. Here's how to get and carry cash safely and securely.

5 Better Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day This Year

Don't settle for generic when it comes to treating your sweetheart. This Valentine's Day, get them something better.

New Debit Card Rules

Debit-card rules are changing. You won’t notice the difference if you keep a cushion in your checking account, keep meticulous records of your balance and all pending tran

Best Money Tips: Plan a July 4th Blowout on a Budget

Today we found some wonderful articles on ways to plan a July 4th blowout on a budget, how bridesmaids can avoid going broke, and small business ideas for kids.

Best Money Tips: How to Host a Stress-Free Super Bowl Party

Today we found articles on ways to host a stress-free Super Bowl party, solutions to everyday work problems, and a new tool that tells you how your state and local taxes are spent.

Fess Up to Your Addictions: How to Satisfy Them on a Frugal Budget

There are just some things I can't go without, like Starbucks coffee or a dinner at Chili's. To feed my addictions, I've learned some tips that save me money and still let

What to Do When You're Sick of Your Side Gig

The extra dollars from a side gig should reduce your stress, not add to it. Here's how to regain your balance.

Ask the Readers: Silly Ways to Save (Chance to win $20)

What is the silliest way you've heard of (or done) to save money? Let us know your thoughts in order to be entered to win one of three $20 Amazon gift cards!

The 5 Best Swiss Army Knives

Need a handy tool set that can fit right in your pocket? These 5 superb Swiss Army Knives will ensure that you're prepared for anything.

Best Money Tips: The Top "Green" Craft and DIY Blogs on the Web

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, give you a list of some of the best blogs for earth-friendly DIY stuff, how to say "no" to that property tax assessment, and

Your 401K in 2017: Here's What's New for You

2017 may not bring a lot of changes to your 401K, but you can still make sure you're making the most of your retirement plan.

Downsizing With Kids

Downsizing is happening all over the place these days. Here's some ideas to help you do more with less.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 7/3, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Having a Frugal 4th of July! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: How to Make Friends

Today we found articles on how to make friends, trendy workouts that you can do for less, and ways to improve your morning.

All We Are Saying...Is Give Pabst A Chance.

Next time you have a barbecue or birthday party, grab a case of PBR or another "cheap" beer. You're serving good beer and you're saving money, too.

3 Reasons to Claim Social Security Before Your Retirement Age

Your Social Security benefits increase with every year you wait to claim them. But sometimes, sooner is better.

The 5 Best Reusable Straws

Finding drinking straws worth keeping isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these reusable straws and your drinks will always be ready to sip.

5 Places to Save on Halloween Costumes Online

There are plenty of ways to save on Halloween -- DIY, rummage sales, etc. -- but today let's look at how you can take care of everything with a few clicks and still save money.