Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Highly Effective Ways to Save Without Clipping a Coupon

You save big bucks on your next shopping trip, no coupon-clipping required. It's easier than you think!

Best Money TIps: How You Can Help the Unemployed Today

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we're offering encouragement for those around you with no job, a better way to buy used online, and 10 ways you can a

Dry Cleaning: Hazard to Your Wallet (and Maybe Your Health)

Dry cleaning may seem like a necessary evil but it can also be costing you more than you know. Learn why dry cleaning costs are so high and how you can stop letting this service ta

Ask the Readers: Do You Have the Tools? (Chance to win MS Office!)

Since sharing is really what we want to be about, we don't just want to give you ideas -- we want to equip you with tools, as well! That's why in addition to this week's prizes of

8 Ways Retailers Use Big Data to Track You

Big brother knows a lot about how you shop.

5 Simple Ways to Save on Thanksgiving

Saving on Thanksgiving is simple...if you plan ahead.

Get the Job You Want With the Right Professional Image

Who are you? Make sure everybody knows your story with these keys to personal brand development.

20 Money-Saving Ways to Reuse Old Pantyhose

Here are 20 creative ways to repurpose today's worn out nylon pantyhose. Use them to shine your shoes, scrub your valuables, or reduce your heating bills!

5 Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes That Could Save You $1,500 This Year

Looking for more ways to cut costs? These five ways cost hardly any time, but the savings add up to nearly $1,500 a year.

5 Sites That Will Pay for Your Old iPhone

If you want the new iPhone 7, but balk at the price tag, these five sites can help you get the most money for your old phone.

The 5 Hardest-to-Kill Houseplants

No matter how black your thumb, these hardy indoor growers will keep green whatever the level of inattention and neglect you care to give them.

Caption This Wise Bread Family Photo and Win $50!

Yup, those are my boys. Help me caption this Linsey family photo for a chance to win $50 Amazon gift certificate.

12 Extreme Ways to Save Money That Could Work for You

If money's tight or if you're trying to reach a lofty savings goal, try cutting spending to the bone with these extreme cost cutters.

6 Reasons to Visit Your Credit Union on October 20

October 20, 2016 is International Credit Union Day! Why not stop by your local branch and find out if a credit union is right for you?

Sex Up Your Sandwich: Ideas for Budget Conscious Brown Baggers

Spice up your lunch with these affordable sandwich ideas that are flavorful and way more exciting than your average baloney or ham loaf.

Save Money With These 10 Homemade, Healthy Energy and Sports Drinks

Need a boost after your workout but can't stand the drain to your pocketbook? Make your own cheaper, tastier, and healthier versions at home!

The Problem With Car Title Loans

A car title loan is one way to get cash really fast. It's also one way to lose cash, really, really fast.

15 Ways to Stay on Budget — Even With Your Spendy Friends

You don't have to give up spending time with your friends if you have decided to stop spending money. Here's what to do instead.

Shoveling Snow and 5 Other Things Robots Can Do for You

Eventually, they'll probably take over the world, but for now, robots are thankfully taking over our household chores.

Talking to Your Spouse About Money

I have a guest post up on Get Rich Slowly about how to talk with your spouse about money. I had the privilege of interviewing financial counselor Lou Scatigna, aka The Financial Ph