Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

This Japanese Budgeting System Could Be the Key to Saving Big Bucks

In Japan, saving money is a big deal. Here's the simple system many households use to hang onto more of their yen.

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Save Money in October

Today we found some great articles on easy ways to save in October, frugal methods to fight the flu, and what to do about eating habits that make you less productive.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 4/11, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Keeping Baby Showers Frugal! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Cheap Charity Is Sweet Charity

Saturday is the Letter Carriers' annual food drive, when you put bags of food out and your mailman or mail woman

A Prairie Farmer’s Meal Plan: Eat for a Buck or Two a Day

The economy and rising gas costs have consumed at least 60% of my regular news and public television broadcast programming. While I’ve heard all there is to hear about how bad foo

Ask the Readers: What Goals Did You Achieve in 2015?

Tell us about the goals you achieved in 2015 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Unexpected Ways a Credit Card Can Save You Money on Travel

Before you hit the road (or the sky) for a much-needed vacay, make sure you're up to speed on how much cash your credit card can save you.

Top 10 Red Flags That Trigger IRS Audits

Are you making one of these common mistakes that can trigger an audit?

Which is Cheaper: Flying or Driving?

Is it cheaper to fly or to drive to your destination? There are some good rules of thumb to follow when deciding whether to drive or fly.

Black Friday Deals: A Sneak Peek

Look for a sneak peek at some hot Black Friday Deals? Several stores have already released their discount lists. We’ve got the round-up right here.

4 Smart Ways to Lower Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

A hefty home loan doesn't have to be a burden. Here's how you can trim dollars from your monthly mortgage payment.

6 Ways to Be a Better Friend Without Any Effort

We'd all like to be better friends — and we should be. Keep your friends close with some simple relationship builders.

Accounts Receivable Nightmares: Collecting on Delinquent Accounts

How do you collect on delinquent accounts without damaging the customer relationship? How do you manage the balance between keeping a steady stream of new clients coming through

25 Frugal Food Changes You Can Make Today

Don’t let rising food costs break your budget! Here are 25 frugal (and tasty!) changes that will keep your finances in line and your stomach full.

New Ways to Listen to Music for Free or Cheap

Why pay for music when you don't have to? Get a constant influx of new music with these totally legal, free (or cheap) music services.

Want to Get Hired? Be Memorable.

When it comes to landing a job, you need to be prepared, qualified, and friendly. But to really ensure you get the gig, give them something to remember.

7 Easy Ways to Give Back This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving encourages us to give to others less fortunate. Here's how you can make a difference without breaking a sweat.

How to Get to Machu Picchu and Back for $30

Believe it or not, you can travel to Machu Picchu and back for just $30!

Stay Off the Frugal Path to Disaster

Frugality is a great tool. But if your approach to frugality is to pare away everything non-essential, you're setting yourself up for disaster.

Cut These 9 Expenses in One Year to Get a 10-Day Hawaii Vacation

By cutting out some of these major money sucks, you could end up with enough money to go on a 10-day Hawaii vacation.