Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Live Like a Local: How to Tap Into the Local Scene While Traveling

If you want to get unique experiences, discover what a place is really like, AND save money, don't travel like a tourist — learn how to live like a local.

How to Travel in Style...For Free

How would you like to travel in style for the cost of the most basic economy option? All you have to do is ask.

You Can Make a Big Life Change: Here's How

It is always possible to make a major change in your life. But if you want the change to stick, approach the decision logically and methodically.

How to Save Big Money on Next Year's Lawn and Garden

The time to start planning your lawn and garden is right now. Get the tips you need to save some green come spring time.

Used Skis

Buying used rental equipment is a cost-effective way to get your entire family onto the slopes, though it might not get you into any parties at Sundance.

8 Ways to Boost Your Neighborhood and Your Home's Value

A bathroom re-do will boost the value of a new home, but don't overlook the value of a strong neighborhood, too. Here's how to re-do your 'hood.

10 Reasons Why Veterans Make Great Employees

Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of working with military veterans and active duty personnel who anticipate, are in the process, or have already transitioned to th

15 Ways to Make Money While You Travel

You can extend your stay and deepen your experience by hustling up side jobs (or even full-time gigs) while you roam. Here's how to do it.

Should You Become Your Parents' Caregiver?

Taking care of your parents when they get older is a very personal decision. Here are some factors you should consider in the decision-making process.

Stay Healthy, Live Longer, Spend Wisely: Making Intelligent Choices in America's Healthcare System

How can you be sure that your next doctor's office visit goes really well? Author and leading medical expert Dr. Davis Liu joins Wise Bread on Blog Talk Radio tonight to give advi

Carnival of Personal Finance #205: Pay it Forward Edition

Wikipedia tells us that the expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead. More specifically,

Watch Out for These 4 Sneaky Charges on Your Monthly Bills

Some businesses will try to slip unfair fees onto your bill. Watch for these extras on your statements to be certain you're only paying what you owe.

The Secrets of History's Most Successful Savers

Today's extreme couponers have nothing on these famous savers. Improve your savings strategies with some tips from history's greatest money hoarders.

How to Manage Your Money During a Spousal Separation

If you and your spouse decide to separate, you'll still need to agree on how to handle your money — together. Here's how.

The 5 Best Ways to Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Workday

If you don't do morning right, chances are the rest of the day is shot, too. Set aside 10 minutes early to set the stage for a productive day.

8 Essential Pieces for Your Capsule Wardrobe

Lucky day! Capsule wardrobes are on trend again, which is great for closets and budgets. Start stocking your minimal collection with these smart basics.

The Upside of Mass Layoffs

Being a part of a huge layoff isn't fun, but it's a lot better than getting fired by yourself. Here are four positives that can come out of the experience.

9 Signs You're Suffering From Lifestyle Inflation

Keeping up with the Joneses is not the only sign of creeping lifestyle inflation. How many of these signs of profligacy do you recognize?

7 Ways to Pick the Bank That's Right for You

With so many banks — and credit unions! — vying for your business, it can be hard to choose. Here's how to find the bank that works for you.

8 College Perks You Might Be Missing Out On

Take advantage of that student ID while you can, because it can help you save cash on all kinds of stuff.