Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Things Every College Student Must Know About Private Student Loans

Private student loans may look like a good way to fund your education, but there are a few things you should know before you sign the paperwork.

Can you Travel Light? Great! Fly Internationally for Free

Can you travel with carry on luggage only? Do you fly solo? And can you fly last minute? Great! Now you can fly for drastically discounted rates, and sometimes even for free.

10 Budget-Friendly Ways to Get it Right This Valentine's Day and Beyond

Thoughtful Valentine's Day gifts that won't break your budget.

5 Moves to Make If Your Loan Gets Denied

Your lender stamped a big fat "No" on your loan application. No sweat — make these moves, and "Yes" will follow.

The 5 Best Chef's Knives

Cooking is a great way to save money — and the most important cooking tool you can own is a good chef's knife.

Will the "Buy American" clause in the stimulus bill create or destroy jobs?

Tomorrow on February 17th President Obama plans to sign the $787 billion stimulus bill recently passed by Congress. One controversial portion of the bill is a clause for the publ

10 Resolutions for the Green Revolution

Make a New Year's resolution to be more environmentally friendly with these 10 steps to green your life.

Your Daily Dose of Caffeine May Be Hurting You

Although the FDA considers caffeine "generally safe and reliable," that daily jolt is not without consequences. Learn how it may be harmful.

7 ways to spot a social media snake oil salesperson

Sure, you'd like to boost your online presence and make money on the Internet. But just like pyramid schemes attract the greedy and fad diets interest the desperate, many social me

6 Places to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

As side gigs go, freelance writing isn't bad, so long as you have the research and writing skills — and know where to find the jobs. Start here.

20 Gift Ideas for Your Co-Workers

Bonus or no bonus, the gifts in this guide to giving to co-workers won't break your holiday budget.

Why Do We Feel Buyer’s Remorse, Anyway?

The rush from that big, must-have purchase only lasts a short while before dreaded buyer’s remorse sets in. How come?

25 Ways to Slow Down and Actually Appreciate the Holidays

The pressure is on from now to the end of the year, but it doesn't have to be. Revise your holiday wishes and try these tricks to make the season a celebration instead of a grind.

6 Secrets to a Joyful Life

In 1939 a group of 200 Harvard undergrads became part of a longterm sociological study. The results, published recently, reveal surprising secrets about joy and wellbeing.

6 More Apps That Pay You to Shop

Think you've heard it all when it comes to apps that pay you to shop? Think again. Here are six more.

5 Sneaky Ways Supermarkets Get You to Spend More

Want to know how grocery stores are parting you from your hard-earned cash? Learn about these supermarket psychology tricks.

The 5 Best Gaming Headsets

A good gaming headset can take you right into the video game (well, sort of). Check these top picks for the best in audio quality, comfort, and other cool functions.

The new normal economy

The economy is way short of full employment, so naturally, consumer spending is down. Sooner or later employment, I think, will return to normal levels. Consumer spending will re

How to Slow Down Your Fast-Paced Life

Don't let stress overwhelm you — instead, follow these steps to slow down your life.

8 Things You Can Microwave Besides Food

When it's not re-heating last night's soup, your microwave oven has plenty of non-food uses. Learn how to put yours to work on everything from crafts to cleaning.