Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Control Your Money, Control Your Mind

Today we found some awesome articles on controling your money and mind, splitting costs with your partner, and life truths you should live by.

10 Things That Improve Your Health in Your Home Office

Are you sick of work...or is work making you sick? Try some simple home office changes that can help you feel better — and be more productive.

Life and Debt: Highlights from Our Chat With Leslie Tayne

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Leslie Tayne on life and debt!

Financial Fear Factors

Living in the now is always the hardest part of overcoming fear about anything, especially fear of the lack of money.

When Interest Rates Head Up

It doesn't take any skill at prognostication to make this forecast: Interest rates are heading up. For one thing, they can't go any lower.

6 Simple Ways to Get More Exercise Without Working Out

You know the sedentary lifestyle is bad for you, so use these tips to get up offa that thing and start feeling better. It's a lot easier than you think!

Top 10 "Unusual" Uses For Duct Tape

From wallets to emergency sunglasses and even boats, duct tape really can fix (or make) almost anything.

Ask the Readers: What's the Most Valuable Degree? (Chance to win $20)

What do you think would the most valuable degree? Is it even a degree? Maybe it's an apprenticeship or technical training certificate.... Let us know your thoughts in order to

The 5 Best Tents

Don't let harsh weather (or complicated setups) keep you from enjoying your next camping trip. Check out our picks for the five best tents.

The 5 Best Door Locks

Don't leave your home vulnerable to intruders. Add any of these five heavy-duty door locks to your home to ensure its safety and security.

Save Time and Money With These 15 Delicious Sheet Pan Meals

No dinner plans? Give one of these delicious sheet pan meals a try. That's right — a sheet pan!

10 Easy Pesto Recipes (And Only One Uses Basil!)

Go beyond basil with these 10 delicious pesto recipes that use everything from cilantro to beets!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half

Today we found articles on ways to cut your grocery bill in half, simple spring cleaning tricks, and what you need to know about money boundaries.

Here's How Simply Investing in Companies You Love Can Make You Rich

Investing in the stock market can seem challenging, but you really can earn solid returns by keeping it simple.

How to Face 4 Ugly Truths About Retirement Planning

It's time to face — and overcome — the ugly truths of retirement planning.

Best Money Tips: Travel Destinations for Movie Lovers

Today we found articles on travel destinations for movie lovers, Costco secrets from employees, and networking tips for introverts.

People Who Love Expanding Their Minds Do These 13 Things — Do You?

Expand your mind with these fun, engaging, and habit forming activities — no habit forming substances required!

4 Credit Card Transactions That Don't Earn Rewards

Credit card rewards are pretty awesome, but they don't dole 'em out for everything.

Best Money Tips: Secret Tactics for Shopping at Warehouse Stores

Today we found some terrific articles on secret tactics for shopping at warehouse stores, getting organized even when you don’t have time, and conquering indecision.

Saving for Retirement on a Variable Income

How do you save for retirement when you have a variable income? Not only is basic budgeting a different story when you have a variable income, but so is saving for retirement.