Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Spend Less on Gas

Today we found articles on ways to spend less on gas, nearly 100 cheap date ideas, and how to cancel a flight without paying a hefty fee.

4 Dumb Ways You Are Wasting Money Online

Online marketers are skilled at parting you from your money. Beware of these four marketing tricks — and learn how to defend your wallet from them.

6 Highly Effective Ways to Save Without Clipping a Coupon

You save big bucks on your next shopping trip, no coupon-clipping required. It's easier than you think!

Best Money TIps: How You Can Help the Unemployed Today

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we're offering encouragement for those around you with no job, a better way to buy used online, and 10 ways you can a

5 Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes That Could Save You $1,500 This Year

Looking for more ways to cut costs? These five ways cost hardly any time, but the savings add up to nearly $1,500 a year.

The Best Way to Avoid the Worst Financial Problems

Simple living should be about enjoying the good stuff. So, rather than go into a bunch of things you can do to head off possible problems, I'm going to give you just one tool for a

12 Extreme Ways to Save Money That Could Work for You

If money's tight or if you're trying to reach a lofty savings goal, try cutting spending to the bone with these extreme cost cutters.

Save Money With These 10 Homemade, Healthy Energy and Sports Drinks

Need a boost after your workout but can't stand the drain to your pocketbook? Make your own cheaper, tastier, and healthier versions at home!

Best Money Tips: Low-Cost Business Ideas for Teens and Kids

Today we found articles on low-cost business ideas for teens and kids, how to get the best Black Friday deals online, and tips for homeowners who want to rent out a room.

Best of Personal Finance Roundup: 50+ Cheap and Healthy Party Foods for the Super Bowl

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best of Personal Finance roundup. Today, we share over 50 cheap and healthy party foods you can serve during the "Big Game," why bonds may not be the safe i

You Can Visit Europe for a Lot Cheaper Than You Think — Here's How

A dream European vacation doesn't have to result in a nightmare for your savings account. Cut your travel costs with these simple steps.

4 Easy-to-Fix Reasons Your Savings Account Isn't Growing

Don't get frustrated by a stunted savings account. Make these moves instead to help your money grow.

Best Money Tips: 7 Ways to Help a Family Member Financially

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we give you everything you need to know before

15 Money-Saving Tips Every Parent Should Know

Parents today will spend almost a quarter of a million dollars raising a child to age 18. Trim that cost with these easy money savers.

How (and Why) to Make Good Pan Gravy

Here’s a quick tutorial on how to master the art of good brown gravy (sometimes called “pan gravy”) -- and why you’ll want to add it to a few meals here

Ask the Readers: Fix it or Forget It? (Chance to win $20!)

How do you know when to call in an expert?  Is it based solely on cost? Experience? Time? Give us your honest experiences and opinions, and you'll be enter

What Does Frugal Living Mean to You?

Depending on your point of reference, a million dollar purchase can be considered frugal. What is frugality to you?

Best Money Tips: When Free Speech Gets Expensive

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we look at free speech (and how it may cost

10 Ways to Add Luxury to Your Life Without Paying Luxury Prices

Who doesn't want to live large on a small budget? From fine dining to a luxe ride, here's how to get a lot more for much less.

So Far Trump Has Called Out 6 Companies: Here's How They've Done

When Trump takes to Twitter to insult — or praise — a company, does it hurt their bottom line?