Rare Book Bargains At Alibris


As a fan of some fairly hard to find books, I love Alibris.com (almost as much as I love half.com for CDs and DVDs, plus newer books, but that's a story for another post). Anyway, I'm in the ad game and like to read up on advertising when it was in its prime, namely the 70s and 80s.

Some books I wanted were always out of print and unavailable at the usual places. Namely, Amazon.com, Borders, Barnes & Noble, the usual crowd. Then I discovered Alibris and my life suddenly got a whole lot fuller, books-wise anyway. Not only do they stock new books, movies and music, they stock some fairly rare used books, movies and music too. And as they're all offered by different sellers, the prices range too.

One book I wanted was over $100 at a fancy used book store. I found it at Alibris for just $2.89 plus a small shipping fee. This is a book-hunters dream. And if they don't have what you want, submit a request. They'll do their best to find it for you. Great site, well worth a visit .

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