Rejoice - it's Haagen-Dazs FREE SCOOP DAY.


Can I say, right here and now, I love free anything. But free ice-cream? Thank you, thank you (although Ben & Jerry's is my personal fav - Cherry Garcia, oh baby).

Anyway, on MAY 15th, from 4pm to 8pm, rush along to your local Haagen-Dazs store and you can try a scoop of one of their two new exciting and delicious flavors. Either Cinnamon Dulce de Leche or Sticky Toffee Pudding (yes please). You don't have to buy anything, just stand in line and wait for you big old scoop of creamy truthiness.

To find participating stores near you, click here. And as this is one of those 'participating stores only' kinda deals, it may be wise to give them a call first. But that's the over-cautious Brit in me.

Enjoy your ice-cream, you lucky dogs!

Photo by The Stock Exchange. Please note. Photo is for fun. You will not get that much for free, no matter how much you cry about it.

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Guest's picture

Sigh, if only they had a Haagen-Daz on Guam. We've got a Cold Stone, but they aren't giving out anything free.

Guest's picture

There is Haagen-Dazs on Guam

Guest's picture

If only we had Haagen Daz in New Zealand.

Andrea Karim's picture

And New Zealand?

You guys just made my week.

Guest's picture

New Zealanders are everywhere...... !
GO NZ, worldwide domination one step at a time....

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