Becoming a travel writer is much more difficult than people think, probably because many of us have delusions of grandeur when it comes to the business. What? I get to travel around the world for free, getting wined and dined and enjoying the best of the best, and all I have to do is write about it? Sign me up, baby! (See also: Ways to Make Money While You Travel)
Sadly, it's not that simple. Here are some of the hard truths I've learned about travel writing:
Are you still with me? Don't want to poke your eye out with a spoon? Great: That's the bad news, mostly out of the way. Once you rid yourself of the illusions of the travel writing industry, you can evaluate it a little more critically to decide if it's still something you want to do. As I've said elsewhere, people who are writers usually choose the profession because they simply must write. It's as natural as eating or sleeping.
In the past few years, I've learned many of the lessons of travel writing by making mistakes, reading between the lines in volumes upon volumes of industry periodicals, and occasionally being blessed with a dose of unwitting luck.
Recently though, I came across a book about travel writing that, had I read it when I got started, could have significantly eased my learning curve. It's called Travel Writing 2.0: Earning Money From Your Travels in the New Media Landscape, and if you would like to get into the industry, I would recommend it as a place to start.
With a dose of (at times) harsh reality, the author (Tim Leffel, a multi-award-winning travel writer) debunks the glamour of the business and instead identifies things that a travel writer needs to focus on — like business skills. (See also: Reasons Your Great Startup is Doomed)
Leffel describes the realities of freelancing as follows:
Your hours are your own, but you end up working more of them than most office drones.
You can go on vacation when you want, but you often end up working while you're away.
You have freedom, but not much certainty.
You report to nobody, but there's no mentor in the next room either.
You can pick and choose what you work on, but sometimes that means having no work.
And then he caps off the business of travel writing with this pearl of wisdom: "If you get one point of reality from this book, let it be this: travel writing is not something to go into because of the potential earnings."
Amen, brother. If I didn't keep my travel expenses minimal by regularly volunteering in trade for my accommodation, my full-time travels wouldn't be financially sustainable.
The book also addresses the “new climate” of the writing industry (hence the “2.0” in the title), where self-publishing and e-books are taking the place of some of the former traditional mediums of newspapers and books. In this brave new world, there's a focus on self-promotion, differentiating yourself from others, utilizing new media like the internet for brand development, and in many cases, simply creating your own opportunities as opposed to finding existing jobs or positions.
Following are some of the areas covered, tips provided, and concepts that I found to be particularly useful in the world of Travel Writing 2.0:
One of the bigger lessons taught in the book (one that I thankfully fluked into), is that if you want to be a successful travel writer, you need to have an area of expertise that you can combine with travel to give your writing an edge. (For me it's personal finance and lifestyle design.) This narrows the competition and makes you an expert of sorts, which creates a niche — and in turn, more business for you. If you don't know of a beat that you can call yours, the book also helps give you some food for thought on the topic.
I really enjoyed Leffel's “no holds barred” approach to travel writing. He minces no words, makes no promises, and in turn, delivers some solid advice on the following topics:
Other pearls of wisdom Leffel shares include the following:
Given the ethical and moral grey areas that surround travel writers receiving press trips and freebies, a book on travel writing wouldn't be complete without addressing this topic. Travel writing is particularly under the microscope right now, unlike other industries (like showbiz or food & wine) where writers get freebies all the time without persecution. Irrespective of industry however, it's important that you approach freebies with honesty and without allowing your writing to be unduly influenced.
Interspersed throughout are helpful quotes from other writers, editors, and industry professionals. I really liked these sidebars, which provide solid advice for aspiring writers (and good reminders for experienced ones).
At the end of the book each professional has a bio, which I surprisingly found were enjoyable reads unto themselves, since they outlined how the writers carved out their respective niches and found success.
In addition to sample query letters and itinerary requests, there's a formidable travel-writing resources section towards the end, which includes databases, associations, conferences, courses, online communities, recommended reading, and book publishers. With all these resources, you won't be left with the question “what's next” at the end of the book, which is often common, especially with e-books.
I'm not sure I like this book as much in the e-book format (which is functional but not terribly pretty. Then again, if I owned a Kindle or other e-book reader, maybe I'd feel differently). Despite Leffel's discussion on the “new world” of the print industry, I think the overall format and tone of this 254-page mega e-book is better-suited as a paperback. The good news is that you can buy Travel Writing 2.0 in ebook format or in paperback, so the choice is yours.
So if you're serious about getting into travel writing, Travel Writing 2.0 will help set the stage, give you focus, and put you on the right path. But as with any business (especially in a creative industry), the rest is up to you; so get ready to roll up your sleeves and wear out a few pens.
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of Travel Writing 2.0, and there are affiliate links in this post.
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Nora, Tim the author here. Thanks so much for the kind---and thorough---review. It means a lot to me that you still found some useful nuggets that were fresh in there. If I may, just one plug: there's an accompanying blog that has detailed interviews with successful travel writers of all stripes. (And one of these days, you!)
Hey Tim - great plug, and muchly appreciated. You have a great resource there.
(Readers can also buy the book directly from the publisher through this site.)
Travel writing used to be a cool job back in the days when airfares were prohibitively expensive and frequent flyer programs were nonexistent. The free travel perk in those days made up for the poor pay (btw, an industry survey says that average payments for writing newspaper and magazine articles have lagged behind inflation for the past 30 years). I once did some travel writing for an industry legend, and while I enjoyed working for him and writing the articles, it turned out to be more of a succes d'estime than a serious career option. Don't give up your day job. You'll need it to pay the bills on your mileage-earning credit/debit cards.
@Guest - Indeed: don't quit your day job is a good start to venturing into travel writing! This is not to say that it's impossible to make a living at travel writing: I do, Tim Leffel does, and there are thousands of others who also do. But I think one of the most important ingredients to success in the industry is to remove expectations of the job being glamorous, and instead to embrace what most successful writers know to be true: that to be a writer is largely innate (regardless of income).
I will def check out this book. I don't aspire to make a living as a travel writer, but one of my goals is to write about my travels and have my writing published in magazines and/or blogs. I think this book may still be helpful.
Reading your post, I kept thinking of the book, Do Travel Writers Go To Hell, by Thomas Kohnstamm, which I read last year. Very entertaining and hilarious.
@Hugh - If you're hoping to break into the travel writing industry in any form, then I certainly think this book will be helpful.
I've never read Do Travel Writers Go To Hell, but I've certainly heard some interesting things about it. I quite enjoyed Smile When You're Lying: Confessions of a Rogue Travel Writer (by Chuck Thompson).
Hi I wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your post. I was reading the travel section of the San Diego Union Tribune and saw your article and blog link about travel writing. Your advice is easy to read, useful, and packed with some great information.
I enjoy travelling and dreaming about travelling, and your insight provided me a dose of reality which I needed, being the dreamer that I am
Looking forward to reading more of your other articles and about your travels:)
Hi Albert - Thanks for your kind words! It means a lot to know I'm talking about the right things and that what I'm saying is useful. Cheers!
Great outline with no sugar coating. Lots of great information and resources to help the new starter travel writer get perspective and keep the enthusiasm. Thank you
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