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About You

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Select the highest educational level you have completed.

Do you rent or own your home?

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Post or seek product reviews online.
Share your views about products or services with your friends.
Use information on Wise Bread to help you make decisions.
Have significant input on your household's financial decisions.
Buy something online in the next 6 months.
Open up a new financial account or try a new financial service in the next 6 months (e.g. credit card, back account, stock trading, loan, mortgage, tax services, etc).
Use or try an online financial service (e.g. online banking, online stock trading, filing taxes online, Mint, Wasabe, etc).
Try out any new online service in the next 6 months (e.g. new blog, music/tv service, forum, search engine, etc).
About Wise Bread

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