easter gifts https://www.wisebread.com/taxonomy/term/13685/all en-US How to Make an Easter Basket for a Grown Man https://www.wisebread.com/how-to-make-an-easter-basket-for-a-grown-man <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-blog-image"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/how-to-make-an-easter-basket-for-a-grown-man" class="imagecache imagecache-250w imagecache-linked imagecache-250w_linked"><img src="https://www.wisebread.com/files/fruganomics/imagecache/250w/blog-images/easter_man_with_candy2.jpg" alt="Man with Easter candy" title="Man with Easter candy" class="imagecache imagecache-250w" width="250" height="162" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>Don&rsquo;t let that big, strong man in your life fool you; past that tough-guy exterior is a soft, squishy, sensitive core that&rsquo;s yearning for a pack of marshmallow Peeps.</p> <p>Easter baskets aren&rsquo;t just for kids anymore. My husband and I have gifted them to each other in the past, and it&rsquo;s nice to wake up to something special and nostalgic on a day that we wouldn&rsquo;t celebrate otherwise.</p> <p>Being adults, however, the contents of the baskets differ dramatically from what a child&rsquo;s might be filled with. To help you do it right, here are some ideas on how to build the perfect Easter surprise for your unsuspecting sweetie. (See also: <a href="http://www.wisebread.com/5-affordable-eco-friendly-easter-ideas">5 Affordable, Eco-Friendly Easter Ideas</a>)</p> <h2>The Basket</h2> <p>You can pick up any ol&rsquo; Easter basket &mdash; for cheap &mdash; this time of year, but for an adult male it should serve a purpose outside of presenting the goodies in a nice way. Think inside the box &mdash; literally. Lunch, tool, and tackle boxes are awesome alternatives to the pastel-colored wicker baskets that he&rsquo;ll toss in the trash after he&rsquo;s emptied his stash. Anything with open space inside will work, really. To determine the perfect basket for your guy, think about what he needs. Maybe a new cooler? Or how about a nice backpack? The options are endless.</p> <h2>The Grass</h2> <p>Do not spend your money on the traditional plastic shreds. It&rsquo;s a waste &mdash; and bad for the environment. Instead, take your cue from <a href="http://www.marthastewart.com/article/homemade-easter-grass">Martha Stewart</a> and put scraps of (preferably) colored construction or tissue paper (frugal but still festive!) through a shredder for instant bottom-of-the-basket filler.</p> <h2>The Contents</h2> <p>The basket can be filled to the brim with candy and snacks &mdash; and he wouldn&rsquo;t complain &mdash; but there tons of other necessities and gifts that you can give him that he&rsquo;ll appreciate more and put to better use. (See also: <a href="http://www.wisebread.com/8-gifts-the-man-in-your-life-really-wants">8 Gifts the Man in Your Life Really Wants</a>)</p> <h3>Grooming Products</h3> <p>When he runs out of razors, what does he do? He tells you, because he thinks you&rsquo;re the Gillette fairy. This time, grant his wish by stocking the basket with his favorite blades, cream, and aftershave. Other grooming products can include cologne, deodorant, and a fresh toothbrush. Also, I swear by Burt&rsquo;s Bees lip balm, so that is a must-give in my house.</p> <h3>Socks and Undies</h3> <p>Because the ones he has are holier than this holiday, have the Easter Bunny make an even trade when your honey&rsquo;s not looking; he won&rsquo;t whine as much when he finds out they&rsquo;re gone if he&rsquo;s getting new pairs in exchange. To turn up the sexy, mix in a naughty nighty for him to discover.</p> <h3>Scratch-Off Tickets</h3> <p>They&rsquo;re cheap, and they&rsquo;re fun. And if he wins big and you&rsquo;re married, you get half. I&rsquo;m totally down with gifts that have mutual benefit.</p> <h3>Booze</h3> <p>A nice bottle of his choice spirit can be the centerpiece around which the basket is built. If he&rsquo;s not a liquor drinker, a six-pack of beer will suffice. And if you&rsquo;re really ambitious, fill large plastic eggs with airplane bottles to give the basket an extra splash of springtime cheer.</p> <h3>Gift Cards</h3> <p>Easter&rsquo;s not considered a holiday for high-dollar gifts, but I&rsquo;ve always thought $10 to $20 iTunes cards are completely appropriate for this particular scenario.</p> <h3>Show or Activity Tickets</h3> <p>My husband and I love activities, movies, concerts, and outdoor excursions &mdash; and with the <a href="http://www.wisebread.com/save-50-or-more-on-local-stuff-with-groupon-and-others">daily deals sites</a>, you can score a day trip well below retail. These are great gifts for two reasons:</p> <ol> <li>You get to spend quality time doing something entertaining with the one you love.</li> <li>It&rsquo;s consumable &mdash; which means it won&rsquo;t be sitting around collecting dust when the next holiday rolls around.</li> </ol> <h3>Kite</h3> <p>There was once a kite in my basket when I was a kid, and I loved it! It might seem like a juvenile gift to give a grown man, but when&rsquo;s the last time he flew a kite? People just don&rsquo;t think about this item &mdash; like, ever &mdash; which makes it all the more unexpected and fun.</p> <h3>Video Games</h3> <p>You have a whole cabinet full of games, so one more title won&rsquo;t hurt. Scour the bargain bin at your local electronics retailer to score a great deal on one you can enjoy together.</p> <h3>Candy</h3> <p>Items with purpose should take up most of the space, but what&rsquo;s an Easter basket with a few pieces of candy? Place his favorite brands in every nook and cranny to fill in the holes.</p> <p><em>Have your own ideas on what to put in an Easter basket for your man? Let me know below. </em></p> <h2 style="text-align: center;">Like this article? 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