slip en-US Givin' 'em the Slip - Look Rich for Very Little <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-blog-image"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <a href="/givin-em-the-slip-look-rich-for-very-little" class="imagecache imagecache-250w imagecache-linked imagecache-250w_linked"><img src="" alt="woman wearing slip" title="woman wearing slip" class="imagecache imagecache-250w" width="250" height="140" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <p>So I was watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith the other day, and there's one delicious scene in which Angelina, I mean, <em>Jane</em>, is getting dressed in an insanely large walk-in closet. And she's wearing a slip set.&nbsp;I realized how long it's been since I saw anyone wearing a slip. Maybe when I watched/slept through A Streetcar Named Desire? Cat on a Hot Tin Roof? I can't recall, but slips seem to have gone the way of the giant powder puff and embroidered handkerchiefs &mdash; and that's a shame.</p> <p>So, I'm starting a campaign to bring back the slip.&nbsp;</p> <p>Like our clothes, the slip (and the body shaper, and everything else) has become more techy, more stretchy, more comfy, and easier to tolerate. Some slips are pricey, others are cheap. This is one of the few items of clothing that I believe should be invested in &mdash; so buy the good stuff, because it will not only look the best, but will last a long time.</p> <h2>Buying</h2> <p>When purchasing your first dressy undergarments, like other lingerie, it can be helpful to get fitted for one by a professional. If you don't live in an area with a good department store that can tell you what size will work best with your body and wardrobe, you can find tons of&nbsp;<a href=",228,30.html">slip-sizing information</a>&nbsp;online.</p> <h3>1. Half Slip</h3> <p>The classic under-skirt slip. Traditional versions start at the waist or hips, and end somewhere around the knee. I don't think that a knee-length slip is worth it &mdash; almost no business skirts reach the knee these days. A 14-17&quot; slip will really do the trick if you want to maintain a professional image. Having a slip peeking out the bottom of your skirt or dress is kind of uncouth. I'm shocked at how many truly useless, bunchy slips are on the market. Avoid anything that is made of really cheap material, which can be prone to static.</p> <h3>2. Full Slip</h3> <p>I love wearing dresses, so a full slip is often a very important part of my everyday wear. I like the ones by <a href="">Spanx</a>, but they are a tad pricey. There are many cheaper options that do the job just as well. You can even buy vintage slips, should you like that look.</p> <h3>3. Body Shapers</h3> <p>Spanx makes an incredible line of undergarments that will gently squish and squeeze you into a largely unlumpy state. I've used their body shapers for every wedding I've attended in the past six years. I don't like Spanx's bras, which they push on you at Nordstrom, because they offer zero support for anything more than a size-A cup. But smaller gals may appreciate how comfy they are. Target has their own line of imitation Spanx, called Assets (har!).</p> <h3>4. Camisoles</h3> <p>Although pretty much every tank top sold these days is a modified cami, these can actually be worn under your clothing as well. Camis are a great way to <em>prevent anyone from realizing that it's chilly in the conference room</em>, if you catch my drift. Camis can range from very plain to super-sexy. But they should never bunch up.</p> <h3>5. Care</h3> <p>As a fan of Spanx, I have been sorely disappointed with how quickly the material disintegrates after I throw them through the wash. Saleswomen at department stores will often try to sell you special detergents for your undies. You can buy them, or just buy some Woolite and use that. Although it's difficult to do, ALWAYS wash your expensive undergarments either by hand, or in a <a href="">zippered mesh net</a> in cold water. Do not throw any of these items through the dryer. Hang them up to dry.</p> <h3>6. Fun and Glamour</h3> <p>Aside from looking better with little effort, the great thing about slips and camis is that they can be kind of fun to wear. I like getting dressed in the morning, and prancing around in my half slip, feeling all feminine and pretty while I select my outfit for the day. It doesn't matter that my dogs don't appreciate the movie-star classiness of my morning routine as I sit at my vanity and practice raising my eyebrows like Vivian Leigh while spritzing with my favorite perfume. What matters is that I enjoy it, and the difference shows in my countenance all day long.</p> <br /><div id="custom_wisebread_footer"><div id="rss_tagline">This article is from <a href="">Andrea Karim</a> of <a href="">Wise Bread</a>, an award-winning personal finance and <a href="">credit card comparison</a> website. 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