Personal Finance

Save your Lunchmeat: Insurance for your Fridge

We often protect our computers, TV’s, and sound systems with special power strips to protect against power surges. Most families I know go the extra mile to stain-protect their li

Gold as an investment

There are those who point to the 1980 peak gold price of $850/oz and observe that the price would have to go up to $2149/oz just to get back to that point. I say, take a second lo

How to Deal With Collection Agencies

Turn the collections process to your advantage by following these 9 suggestions.

Link Love was made for You and Me

Where would Wisebread be without all of its loyal readers and those that link to it? I shudder to even think about it. And so, dear lovers of all things frugal, I present another

Book review: The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

John C. Bogle's The Little Book of Common Sense Investing will help you earn a maximum long-term investment return with the least effort possible.

Critical Illness Insurance For Wise Patients

There are many people who believe in insurance, and just as many who are vehemently against it. Personally I'm a believer, but I also know that there is no blanket solution for

Private foundations for ordinary folks

There are a lot of advantages to having a private foundation to use as the vehicle for your charitable giving. Sadly, the tax laws make setting up a private foundation impractical

The Millionaire Next Door: Riches De-mystified

You've seen them driving by you but you didn't even notice. They were in the checkout line at the grocery store but you didn't give them a second glance. They're ev

Is Paypal making impulse buyers of us all?

Over the past few months I’ve noticed that more and more places accept Paypal and I began to wonder…is this going to create a generation of impulse buyers?

How To Choose A Financial Planner - Yes You!

I don't care who you are. (Well, actually I do, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this). What I mean, is I don't care about your background, education, financial prowess, or absolu

Choosing Life Insurance: Term or Permanent?

What is better: buying life insurance at a low price that lasts for a certain term (typically, the income-generating part of the insured’s life) or purchasing a whole life policy f

Debt repayment is not an expense

Over and over again, in budgeting articles and even books on personal finance, I see sample budgets that include debt repayment as if it were an expense. This shows a fundamental

6 Steps to Eliminating Your Debt Painlessly

Eliminating Debt Painlessly. Rarely do you see these words fit together in a neat little sentence. The very act of putting your hard earned money towards the stack of debts you've

Federal Reserve cuts the discount rate

In response to the recent credit squeeze, the Federal Reserve did something unusual: they cut the discount rate without cutting the federal funds rate. The federal funds rate is the rate at [more]

The false goal of maximizing investment returns

Along about the middle of the dot-com boom--when the market had already had two years of 20% annual gains--I read an article that suggested that individual investors had no need of a cash res [more]

How to Erase Your Medical Debt

As most of you know, the cost of healthcare in the United States is outrageous! [more]

Your 401(k) is not an investment

Your 401(k) is not an investment. Neither is your IRA. Those are legal compartments for holding investments. [more]

What's Faster for Mortgage Payoff: $100/Month Extra or 1 Payment/Year Extra?

Is it better to pay $100 per month extra on your mortgage or make an extra payment at the end of each year? It depends on your loan balance and interest rate.

Laws the Leg-Breakers Don’t Want You to Know About

Gone are the days when debt collectors only hassled the lazy, financially inept, or the completely downtrodden and hopelessly unlucky. [more]

Lovely Links from All Over the Web

Just when you thought we couldn’t get anymore love from other blogs, Wisebread is thrilled to be mentioned by some very kind folks from around the web. [more]

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Someone Took Out a Loan in Your Name. Now What?

A fraudulent loan can have dire consequences for your personal finances. Here's how you can fix the problem, stat.

5 Things to Know Before Adding Someone to the Deed

Before you add someone to the deed on your home, you should be aware of these five things.

Banks Still Offering Free Checking and Savings with Great Interest Rates

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Capital One 360: A Competitive Banking Option

CapOne 360 is a great option for those looking for low fees and great interest rates!

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Whether you're looking to earn interest or for great customer service and reasonable fees, these five online checking account are all wise choices.

5 Ways Gig Economy Workers Can Save for Retirement

Even if your full-time job consists of several gig economy jobs, you can successfully save for retirement — here's how.

5 Renovations That Don't Increase Your Resale Value

Before you get started on a new home renovation, make sure you know if it'll increase your resale value.

How to Protect Yourself From Credit Card Theft

Don't let a scammer get a hold of your credit card number. Here's how to keep your account secure.

5 Reasons Not to Use Debit Cards When You Shop Online

Before you place an order through your favorite online retailer, consider these reasons to use credit instead of debit.

How Cosigning On a Student Loan Could Impact Your Finances

Before you cosign on a student loan, these are four important things to keep in mind.

16 Small Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Finances

Believe it or not, you can improve your finances in a big way by making several small money moves.

How to Maximize Rewards on Everyday Spending

If you're not using your travel or cash back card for certain expenses, you're leaving valuable rewards on the table.

How to Stay Calm During a Market Fluctuation

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The Pros and Cons of Refinancing an Auto Loan

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How to Make Better Financial Decisions

Focusing all your efforts into reaching one financial goal is a fairly straightforward process. But what about when you have more than one financial goal? This guide will help.

The Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Debt Early

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5 Things Keeping You From a Life of Financial Independence

These are common obstacles that could be standing between you and sweet financial freedom.

Should You Use a Personal Loan or a Home Equity Loan to Remodel Your Home?

Looking to remodel your home? Here's how to decide between a personal loan and a home equity loan to pay for it.