The 5 Best Apps for Busy Working Parents


Working parents need to maximize their time in order to be most efficient. These apps will help working moms and dads better manage kids' routines, plan family outings, and manage family budgets effectively.

See also: 10 Fun Money Apps for Kids

1. Happy Kids Timer

Having a hard time keeping kids on schedule, especially in the mornings? HappyKidsTimer is an app your kids use to help them manage their daily morning routines, like making their beds, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, and so forth. The app features timers and fun incentives to help your kids get on their way.

Available for Android and iOS.

See also: 10 Basic Manners You Must Teach Your Kids

2. KidsEatFree

Busy parents often don't have time to cook — and dining out with the whole family gets expensive, fast. Restaurateurs have responded with a variety of kids eat free promotions. Too many, in fact, for busy parents to track. KidsEatFree is the free app that helps you find free kids' meals nearby, keeping your family on time — and on budget.

Available for iOS.

See also: 10 Frugal and Delicious Meals to Make With Your Kids


Speaking of budgets, busy parents need to manage their family's money while they are managing the kiddoes. remains the gold standard free app for tracking all your spending, paying bills, setting and tracking budgets, and monitoring overall net worth.

Available for Android and iOS.

See also: These 5 Apps Can Fix Your Finances

4. VarageSale

If you're keen on sticking to your budget, VarageSale is great for connecting busy parents with others who want to buy or sell used family and children goods. You can make extra cash off your used stroller or crib — or you can pick up gently used ones for a great price. Look at all the cute outfits!

Available for Android and iOS.

See also: How to Sell Your Kids' Stuff at a Consignment Sale

5. Trekaroo

Finally, even the busiest, most goal-directed families need some downtime. Trekaroo helps hardworking parents plan and budget family outings — everything from faraway vacations to local day trips. The app finds kid-friendly activities when and where you need them. Even better, each destination includes reviews from other busy parents who've already been, so you can get the inside scoop way before you get there.

Available for Android and iOS.

What are your go-to apps for managing life with kids?

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Guest's picture

I'd add one other - Cozi. I have the free version and primarily use its shopping list functions. Your family can all link to the same lists (though I believe you can also have some unshared for gift lists) and it provides live updates if you have internet access. If my husband and I are out running errands separately, I can check the list to see that he already picked up milk or that he added bread to the list. And anytime someone in the house mentions we've run out of something we say "Put it on Cozi."

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