Light therapy lamps are very effective at treating a number of disorders, particularly certain sleep disorders and seasonal affective disorder. Light therapy lamps help with these conditions by emulating the brightness of the sun and, in the case of circadian rhythm disorders, shifting people's natural biological clock so they sleep through "normal" nighttime hours, and, in the case of seasonal affective disorder, providing more "sunlight" for those living in places with long and gloomy winters.
A light therapy lamp is a lamp that emits particular levels of light that can help treat a number of sleep or mood disorders. By providing artificial illumination, one can gain greater control of regulating the production of certain hormones that regulate both sleep and mood. According to the Center for Environmental Therapeutics, the following factors should be taken into consideration when purchasing a light therapy lamp: the lamps should be tested in clinical trials, they should provide 10,000 lux of illumination in a comfortable sitting distance, blue light is superior to red light in treating depressive symptoms, and larger boxes have a greater therapeutic range of light.
Highly reviewed by over 1,000 users, the NatureBright Sun Touch Plus Light is one of the favorite light therapy lamps available on Amazon. This NatureBright light lamp emits 10,000 lux of soothing light that can help stabilize your body's internal clock and improve your sleeping pattern, as well as treat depressive or mood symptoms associated with seasonal affective disorder or other irregular body patterns. Additionally, this light therapy lamp has been tested for safety at the University of Texas and avoids emitting UV rays that can be harmful to your eyes.
For those of you that have trouble waking up in the morning, the Philips Wake-Up Light might be the perfect tool for you. With 20 different brightness settings and five natural alarm sounds, this light provides a colored sunrise simulation to help you wake up naturally, and with more energy. At night, this light does the reverse and guides you to a restful sleep with a dimming, sunset-simulating light. Additionally, tap anywhere on the light to give yourself an extra nine minutes of sleep. Users state that the light is great for combating consistently dark mornings and gets them out of bed quickly and feeling great.
The goLITE Blue light therapy lamp is clinically proven to improve mood and fight seasonal affective disorder with as little as 15-45 minutes of usage per day. The special blue light produced by the lamp is designed to emulate the light that occurs on naturally sunny days. The goLITE Blue is also compact and portable, making it easy to take with you when you travel, and the LED lights are designed to last for decades without losing their efficiency. The fully programmable touch display lets you change the brightness between four different settings as well as set a timer.
The HappyLight Deluxe light lamp is capable of treating mood, energy and sleeping problems associated with decreased exposure to sunlight. By providing 10,000 lux, the HappyLight Deluxe Sunshine Simulator helps to trigger the production of natural hormones in your body that will improve mood and fight fatigue. Consistent usage among reviewers confirm the light's ability to improve mood and energy levels, and the concentrated, but UV-free, dosage is perfect for those with busy lifestyles without risking damage to your eyes.
The Day-Light Classic light lamp by Carex Health is a great lamp for dealing with mood swings, winter blues or problems with your sleeping pattern. Three fluorescent light tubes emit a total of 10,000 lux of light that can ease seasonal affective disorder symptoms within a week of regular use. The Day-Light Classic conforms to all the standards set by light therapy experts and has been clinically tested for effectiveness.
And those are our recommendations for the best electric drills. As always, be sure to check out the Wise Bread Buying Calendar to learn when and how to buy just about anything!
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