Bargaineering is a personal finance blog I started four years ago with the goal of educating both myself and others about the complicated topics in the personal finance world. In those four years, the site has been cited numerous times in well-known publications such as The New York Times, Business Week, and appeared on American Public Media’s Marketplace Money national radio program. I’ve been blessed to be joined by several contributors who are able to share their personal experiences with the readers of Bargaineering. The philosophy behind Bargaineering and my personal philosophy is that life is about enjoying the things you love doing and spending time with the people you love spending time with. On the surface, it seems like this site is mostly about money – how to earn more of it, how to save it, how to spend less of it, and how to grow it; and it is, money forms the basis of many things in our lives, probably too many things! At the end of the day, whether you have $100 or $100 million, we believe that happiness comes from doing more of what you love with the people that you love.