Hi, I'm Kevin. When I started out on my own nearly ten years ago, I didn't know much about finance or managing money. I often found myself in over my head with car payments, rent, and other expenses, and I found myself going into debt when I should have been saving, instead.I had friends back then that somehow maxed out two or more credit cards and were in the process of consolidating their debt onto a third credit card. By observing and learning from their experiences, I was able to avoid the same traps myself and slowly work my way out of debt.
I became significantly more interested in the field of finance following the credit crunch of 2008. I wanted to learn how money works, how finances work, and why things had gotten so bad. In the process, I became exposed to many new ideas not only about money, but also about the politics and lifestyles of our time. I began to see another way of doing things and of living life; it was like receiving a red pill.
As time went by, I continued to learn, and I realized just how little I knew ten years ago and how much I still have to learn. I met new friends over the years whom could motivate me, encourage me, and engage me in quality conversation. In the process, this blog was born.
My goal with Invest It Wisely is not only to share my own personal insights with you, the reader, but also to learn from you via feedback and discussions in order to further expand my own knowledge base. I personally believe that finances is one of the most important fields of study, as it is inextricably linked to the politics of our time, our quality of life, and to the power that each of us has over our own destiny.
I hope that this blog proves valuable to you and increases your personal expected value of life. Knowledge is power, in the end.