Site: http://weakonomics.com/
Twitter: @The_Weakonomist
My name is Philip (yep, that’s me there) and I live in southeastern United States. On this website and others I refer to myself as “The Weakonomist”. Am I full of myself? Yes.
About Me: I am a twenty-something and work for one of the largest banks in the United States. Yes you’ve heard of it. I don’t say where I work, partially to hide any bias but mostly to keep from feeling the need to explain my company’s actions every time we’re in the news; which is often. I’m not interested in promoting my bank over others, as I really don’t believe we’re the best. My time here is put to better use bashing my industry, as we really screwed some stuff up.
I didn’t got to a fancy university, but I went to a good one. I majored in Finance and minored in Information Technology. Yes I am good at both. No wonder I started a money blog.
Unlike most finance bloggers, I don’t have some story to tell about financial hardship. The reason why is two-fold. First of all my parents raised me to treat money as a tool. We were not rich, but we were comfortable. My parents don’t know a lot about investing or finance, but they know how to live conservatively off what they make and passed that down to me. The second reason is my ability to learn from other people’s mistakes. Ever listen to The Dave Ramsey Show? You should, it will inspire you to get your finances in order. I thank the other bloggers out there who have made huge mistakes and continue to talk about them. The more you people talk about your mistakes, the more I learn what not to do.
This blog is a hobby for me. My interests include personal and behavioral finance, along with cars, technology, astronomy, history, and learning. I do get out of the house though; I jog regularly and love to have a drink with friends. I have an amazing fiance that is very supportive in this hobby, she’s even read the site a few times. The picture is actually not of me (surprise!) but of my best friend, mentor, lawyer, and accountant. He is wise beyond his year (not a typo). Occasionally I’m going to write about my personal interests but will do my best to put a Weakonomics spin on it.