
How to Spot a Hotel Booking Scam

The internet has made it easier to research and book your own travel, but scams continue taking over the hotel booking space. Know how to spot those sketchy red flags.

When Should You Get a Vacation Rental Instead of a Hotel?

With the growth of sites like Airbnb, more travelers are choosing to stay in room and house rentals rather than hotels. Learn how it can save you money.

Sleeping In Airports For The Stranded And Frugal Minded

Whether it's an unplanned layover, a means of making an early flight, or simply an attempt to save money on accommodation, the season of sleeping in airports is upon us. I know, I

How to Have a Frugal Vacation and Still Treat Yourself

Are you planning a family vacation and wondering how to afford it and still do it properly? Try some of these tips to help keep your budget on track easily while still enjoying all

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