alternative energy

11 Ways the Government Pays You to Live Green

The government can help you save green — by going green! Make these eco-friendly lifestyle changes today and watch your savings grow.

Book Review: Confronting Collapse

We hardly talk about collapse here. Wise Bread is all about living large, while collapse mitigation is usually about living small. But that doesn't mean that there aren't things

Fix energy in tangible form

They key problem with energy is that it's really hard to store--it's tough to buy energy now and use it later, and most energy storage techniques lose a large fraction of the energ

An energy bill of $0.00

I'm not sure what you pay for energy each month, but combining natural gas, gas for the car and electricity, I'm way over $250. This guy, Mr. Mike Strizki, does it all for nothing. In an interview for GREEN.MNP Mike reveals his many secrets. [more]

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