
Do You Know How Dirty Your Money Is?

You use money often, but have you ever considered what kinds of nasty bacteria are living on its surface? The answer is not for the squeamish.

Are we too clean for our own good?

Science has proven that exposure to germs and dirt helps build up a strong immune system. Don't waste your money on bacterial soaps and wipes - they're just coddling your immune sy

I'll take a slice of lemon with fecal bacteria please.

I’ve never thought twice about the humble lemon slice. I’m sure most of you haven’t either. And as I’m partial to a slice of lemon in my water or iced tea, for added flavor, I usua

Germ Killin' Machine

Guarding against germs doesn't have to be a chemical-filled experience. To get rid of germs in your kitchen sponge (and there ARE germs in you kitchen sponge), do the following: [more]