bad habits

Why Behavior Nudges Don't Always Lead to Healthy Habits

Behavior nudges have proven successful in many scenarios, but they aren't perfect. Here's why they may not be the best bet for changing your habits.

8 Types of People Who Will Never Win at Money

Some folks are naturally good with money. Others? Not so much. Which type are you?

6 Guilty Pleasures That Are Killing Your Budget

Don't let your guilty pleasure ruin your budget. Instead, see how much your habit is really costing you each year and how to better spend the money.

Ask the Readers: What Bad Money Habits Have You Quit?

Tell us what bad money habits you have successfully quit and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Factors That Could Keep You Broke Forever

If being broke is your way of life, it's time to do some serious self-reflection on your money habits.

4 Behaviors That Risk Your Financial Security

These bad behaviors are hard to break — but if you don't, they could break your finances.

8 Ways to Keep Boredom from Destroying Your Budget

When there's nothing to do, it’s tempting to fill that void with something that costs money. Learn how to avoid those budget-busting boredom traps.

3 Mistakes That Make a Bad Credit Situation Worse

A credit score of 600 or lower is officially "bad." Don't makes things worse by committing any of these common mistakes.

5 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Job

From a bad attitude to a blabber mouth, these behaviors may be the reason you can't keep a job.

How to Turn Your Buyer's Remorse Into Better Financial Habits

Believe it or not, there's a silver lining to buyer's remorse — it can help you adopt some smarter spending habits.

How Reliving Past Money Mistakes Hurts Your Financial Future

We've all made money misjudgements in the past. Don't make another mistake reliving them in the present.

5 Types of Overspenders — Which One Are You?

There are different types of chronic overspenders. Which one are you?

Best Money Tips: Simple Ways to End Bad Spending Habits

Today we found articles on simple ways to end bad spending habits, green moves that will help you save money, and weird things you can sell on eBay.

10 Unprofessional Habits That Could Kill Your Career

Leave your foul mouth and ripped jeans at home. You're killing your career!

7 Signs Your Takeout Habit Has Gone Too Far

If your go-to dinner plan involves opening your GrubHub app, your takeout habit has probably gone too far.

8 Self-Destructive Habits That Keep You in Debt

Why is it so hard to climb out of debt? Because it's so easy to fall into.

9 Ways Your Lazy Habits Are Costing You

Time to get up off the couch and take control of your financial future. You can do this!

5 Costly Credit Card Mistakes You Might Be Making

Want more from your credit cards? Change these bad habits

13 Money Goals You Can Still Reach by 2017

We may be more than halfway through 2016, but that doesn't mean your money goals for the year have been for naught!

7 Soda Alternatives That Won't Bust Your Wallet — Or Your Waistline

Say "See ya" to your soda habit with these infinitely healthier (and much cheaper!) alternatives.

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