balance a checkbook

3 Invisible Savings Tips That Work

Discover savings methods so easy, they practically seem invisible.

Mom and Dad, Your Financial Decisions Matter

With Mother's Day in the recent past and Father's Day two days ago, I wanted to give credit where credit is due and encourage all the parents out there who are trying to teach their kids abou [more]

Budgeting for the rest of us, or How to follow a budget without breaking down in tears

Budgeting can be difficult. For some people (like me!), it brings up things that they may not want to see. For others, it's a necessary but frustrating tool to curtail spending, or a painful reminder of how much they overspent, yet again. [more]

Balancing Act: The Perils of Budgeting

Tackling a budget requires you to do one big thing with your finances — find the balance.

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