
5 Investment Moves That Prove You're Finally a Grown-Up

It's time to stop investing like a kid.

6 Ways to Convince a Store Clerk to Give You a Deal

Sometimes, you just have to know the right questions to ask in order to score a great deal.

10 Negotiation Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Deal

From small buys to major life purchases, negotiation can make or break the deal. Win your next haggle-sesh by avoiding these common mistakes.

My 5 Best Thrift Store Finds of All Time

If American Pickers is your inspiration, you might marvel at the high value finds this writer (and avid picker) has scored at the thrift shop.

Thrifting the Perfect Designer Wardrobe

If you have big-brand taste on a bargain-bin budget, never fear — you can build the perfect designer wardrobe with a little thriftiness.

What You Need to Know About Sample Sales

Designers and manufacturers often get stuck with floor samples and returns they need to move. Their headache is your giant savings opportunity.

7 Best Buys at TJ Maxx

TJ Maxx offers brand names at bargain prices. Be on the lookout for these smart buys the next time you visit.

Cheap Ways to Get These 8 Expensive Indulgences

Caviar taste on a fishsticks budget? We'll tell you how you can enjoy the caviar — and some other indulgent treats — for far less than you expect.

15 Great Brand Name Beauty Buys Under $10

Putting on a prettier face shouldn't wipe out your budget. Get your glam on a shoestring with these stellar beauty buys — all under $10!

5 Things You Shouldn't Order on Amazon

Not so fast on that mouse-button, frequent Amazon shopper -- the ginormous Internet retailer doesn't always offer the best price. It still pays to shop around.

9 Ways to Spend Less on Your Significant Other (And Not Get Killed!)

Date nights and holidays shouldn't cost a fortune. You can spend less on your SO — and still show your love with thoughtful gifts that count plenty.

10 Types of Bargains You Should Skip

It's easy to be drawn in by BOGO's siren song — sometimes with actual sirens! But check the fine print and the math to make sure the deal is real.

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in October

Scare up some deals on lawn care and denim this month, but hide from winter clothing and appliances, which are frightfully pricey this month.

10 Little Words That Will Get You the Best Price, Every Time

There's nothing complicated about getting the best price — you just need to know what to say.

The 11 Best and Worst Things to Buy Used

Books? Yep! Houses? Absolutely! Swimwear? Ack, no! Those and other thrift store buys sorted into best and worst.

How to Save $26,000 in 5 Years or Less

Think you can't save money and get ahead? Learn how a few simple changes to your daily spending can become a HUGE pile of money.

7 Things Non-Members Can Get at Costco (Including Cheap Eye Exams!)

Some stuff at Costco — like health care services — is available to members and nonmembers alike. Read on to learn how to get the deals without the card.

5 Surprising Ways to Get Deals

Discount codes drying up before your eyes? Try these tactics to discover new deals on everyday items!

31 Reasons Why I'm in Love With Thrift Shopping (and You Should Be Too)

Oh thrift store, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

15 Money-Saving Tips Every Parent Should Know

Parents today will spend almost a quarter of a million dollars raising a child to age 18. Trim that cost with these easy money savers.

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