
The Only Money Advice You'll Actually Listen To

The only financial advice you need is the advice you'll actually listen to. How do you find that best advice?

How to Improve Your Finances Using Social Media

Social media is more than just viral videos and baby pictures — use it to boost your finances, too!

Can You Really Make Money by Starting a Blog?

Can blogging actually be a sustainable and reliable source of income? Let's investigate.

The 6 Best Financial News Sites for Investors in a Hurry

Whether you're new to investing or an experienced trader, these sites will keep you up-to-date, wherever there's Internet.

The Top 7 Blogs for Entrepreneurs

Not sure how to get your business to the next level? Get some know-how from entrepreneurs who are paving the way.

5 Financial Experts People in Their 40s Should Follow

Gen-Xers in prime earning years have financial worries all their own. Follow these five money experts with plenty of 40s-friendly money advice.

5 Best Websites to Help You Retire Early

Everybody dreams of retiring early, but few of us actually do it. These retirement finance experts can show you the way.

Don't Forget to Nominate Your Favorite Blogs for the 2013 Plutus Awards

Nominations for The 4th Annual Plutus Awards are underway! Luke Landes from Consumerism Commentary is bringing back the awards to recognize the best personal finance blogs!

15 Career Advice Sites You Should Know About

Whether you need basic guidance, salary information, or inspiration to shake you out of a work rut, these 15 sites will get you on the path to a great job.

5 Key Social Media Findings That Affect Your Business

Recent surveys show that your customers are spending more and more time on social media. Are you?

Blogs are Not Second Class

Those of you who have come to know Wise Bread and Parenting Squad are probably aware that they are blogs – Killer Aces Media FairBlogs ™ to be exact.

Getting Rich Slowly: Interview with JD Roth

Get Rich Slowly is one of the most popular personal finance web sites on the internet. JD Roth, the man behind the site, agreed to share some of his fiscal background and financial

It's the linkster! The linkmeister!

It's time for our weekly round-up of linky love. As always, if you feel you've been unfairly left off the list, please let us know by emailing our editors at Ivy at Home Ec 101 gave us some serious love. Thanks, Ivy! [more]

Using WordPress for Blogging and More

This article provides some instructions for anyone who would like to set up a basic website for themselves, but who does not have much experience with HTML, CSS, PHP, etc. Much to the chagrin [more]


Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who linked to our blog posts over the past week. We couldn't do it without you. And if we could, we wouldn't anyway. THAT'S how strong our love is. [more]

It's Linktastic!

Thanks to everyone who linked to Wise Bread recently. We appreciate your vote of confidence. [more]

Who's Linking to Wise Bread?

Wise Bread relies on links to help us gain readership and reach a broader audience of friends and contributors. We really appreciate how our readers and fellow bloggers promote and sustain us, so we'd just like to take a minute to say, "Yay! [more]

I Feel Pretty: Beautiful Coupon Codes (and Free Shipping)

One of my favorite scent blogs, Now Smell This, offers up some tempting online deals to be had. [more] - Financial Tips from a Queer Perspective

Queercents founder, Nina Smith, talks about the importance of personal finance in the LGBT community. Have a read!

Additional smart, frugal people

A raising tide lifts all boats. We're sharing the wealth with some other great blog articles on living life frugally.

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