booking travel

How to Get a Great Seat on Southwest

Southwest won't charge you a baggage fee, and they won't let you choose your seat during booking. Here's to find the best seat possible when you board.

How to Save Money on Flights Using Fare Alerts

Looking to save even more money on flights? Fare alerts are here to save the day.

How Understanding Airline Flight Routes Can Score You Better Rewards

Believe it or not, understanding airline flight routes can help you score better rewards.

How to Tell If Your Vacation Package Is a Good Deal

Bundled vacation packages tend to help consumers save. But are they truly a good deal?

How to Streamline Your Travel Rewards Strategy

Having travel rewards scattered across multiple brands can become a real mess. Here's how to clean it up.

How to Wisely Choose Your Next Travel Destination

Looking to book your next trip? Choose your destination wisely.

6 Surprising Reasons You Still Need a Travel Agent

Can booking travel with an agent rather than online really be considered frugal? Absolutely! Learn how a travel agent can help you.