
9 Ways to Save Money on Your Cup of Coffee

Few of us can start the day without a morning jolt. Make your daily cup of joe even better with some easy ways to spend less on coffee.

8 Quick Ways to Boost Energy Without Caffeine

You don't need a dose of caffeine for a quick pick-me-up — you need a good laugh. Discover how that and seven other things can give you caffeine-free boosts.

10 Surprising Benefits of: Caffeine

Caffeine, whether from coffee, tea, soda pop, or energy drink, is more than a chemical pick-me-up. Read on to learn how it helps us think, breathe, and more.

Your Daily Dose of Caffeine May Be Hurting You

Although the FDA considers caffeine "generally safe and reliable," that daily jolt is not without consequences. Learn how it may be harmful.

All the Caffeine of a Cup of Joe in a Convenient... Spray-On?

If you enjoy the jolt of caffeine, but don't enjoy coffee or soda, soon you'll be able to get your stimulant boost from a convenient spray applied directly to the skin.

How to Wake Up Fast and Attack the Day

Waking up can be difficult when your bed is so darn comfortable. Learn how to happily shake off the sleep so you can have a more productive day.

5 Reasons to Drink Coffee

Coffee wakes you up. But did you know it can also increase your happiness, save you money, and more? Discover why drinking coffee is such a good thing.

10 Reasons to Drink Tea

Tea can wake you up or calm you down, cool you in summer and warm you in winter. If you don't already drink the steeped stuff, here's why you should.

How Much Caffeine is in That?

Find out how much caffeine is in your drinks, foods, and medications.

10 Kicky Drinks Without the Caffeine

At one point or another, you may find yourself needing to cut caffeine from your diet (or at least scaling way back). As a tribute to all those who have had to do without, I gi

Stop Being a Slave to Starbucks - How to Quit Caffeine

I'm not one to advocate for a boycott of caffeine or anything. But, if you're already thinking about quitting caffeine, here are some reasons, and methods, for doing so.

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