Articles on Entrepreneurship

Save Money by Being Friendly

Deliberate acts of friendliness can predictably reap payback. Here are ways you can save money.

The Key to Workplace Success: Be an Energizer

What is the most important quality to determining employee success? According to author Robert Sutton, nothing is as crucial as "energy."

Finance Your New Business: It's Not as Complicated as You Think

Finding money to start a new business can seem hard — but fundamentally, the process really isn't that complicated. Learn how to get financing.

Best Money Tips: Be a Millionaire by 25

Today, we give you advice from young millionaires, Halloween apps for spooky and safe fun, an intro to the What Not To Do list, and tips to help you negotiate medical bills.

How an Exact Match Domain Can Launch a Successful Business

To say that entrepreneurs need a good web domain is to trade in marketing cliché, but here’s a different way to think about domains: as a crucial first step.

Best Money Tips: Tasks You Can Offload to a Virtual Assistant

Today, we give you tasks that can be outsourced to a virtual assistant, a way to expand the variety of your cookie stash, natural methods to clean stainless steel, and more!

Building Philanthropy Into a Business

Philanthropy can be built into the structure of your company and, depending on how you handle it, that philanthropy can improve your business.

5 Ways to Boost Credibility and Conversions

Self-promotion is a crucial step to sustained success. There are simple ways to promote your business without coming across as a self-important egomaniac.

6 Cs of Successful Small Business Owners

To achieve success, I believe that there are six characteristics that all small business owners need. Fortunately, these traits can be developed by anyone who chooses to do so.

To Groupon or Not to Groupon: The Cost of Offering Deep Discounts

Wouldn't it be nice if you could run a free online coupon deal and wake up the next morning to learn you'd sold two thousand pre-paid dinners or event tickets? Maybe, maybe not.

What Stuxnet Means for Small Business

Cybercrime in general and Stuxnet in specific presents clear financial threats to you and your business.

How to Focus on Your Ideal Customer

Small businesses need to create a persona of their ideal customer — not average, but ideal — so they have an actual living, breathing person in mind to target.

What Your Employees' Personal Branding Means to Your Company

Anyone employed by your business, down to the receptionist, may be promoting himself through blogging, social media, and other tactics.

Food Truck Envy: Should You Jump on This Hot Food Trend?

If you live in a city, you may wonder if it's time to quit your day job and join the legions of food truck owners you see around town.

Local Branding: Make Your Company Part of the Community

Being seen as a valuable member of your local community can keep you in mind for prospective customers or clients in a way that many other branding strategies can't.

13 Ways to Use Social Media in Business

You have social-media savvy that could benefit your company. Here’s how to work with your boss to get attention and results.

Save Money and Go Green by Making Your Office Paperless

The idea of a "paperless" office has been around a long time. The right system can streamline an office into a more efficient and green business.

Does Energy-Efficient Equipment Make a Difference in Operating Costs?

Energy-efficient equipment is promoted as a way to save money for your business, but will the money saved make a noticeable difference in your operating costs?

12 Business Founders Who Succeeded Without a College Degree

Here are a few incredibly successful business founders who decided to take the leap and start a business without going to college.

New Tax Breaks for the Swift

The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 created new opportunities for businesses to save on their taxes in 2010 and beyond. Here are some actions that can prove beneficial to you.