cash back rewards

25+ Easy Ways to Save Money But Still Get What You Want During Holiday Shopping

Ready to tackle your Christmas shopping but dreading the impending dent in your budget? Here are ways to save big and earn cash back on those gifts.

Why I Hate Credit Card Points

Is racking up frequent flier miles a bad idea? Learn why one writer wants almost nothing to do with credit card rewards, unless they're cash back.

6 Ways to Benefit From Your Credit Card

Your credit card doesn't have to be a debt-causing monster hiding in your wallet. Instead, learn how to make your card work for you.

How to Decipher Credit Card Advertising

How do you figure out whether a credit card offer is good or bad? We'll break down the terms and conditions for you.

How to Quickly Compare Rewards Programs When You Shop Online

Wise internet shoppers usually search for some coupon or cash back reward before adding an item to their shopping carts. The problem is that there are so many cash back and mileage

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