cash flow

This Japanese Budgeting System Could Be the Key to Saving Big Bucks

In Japan, saving money is a big deal. Here's the simple system many households use to hang onto more of their yen.

Your Small Business Needs an Emergency Fund, Too

Emergency can strike your small business just as it can your personal life. Protect all you've worked for with a business emergency fund.

How to Pull Your Small Business Out of a Cash Crunch

End the anxiety that comes with running a business on poor cash flow by using these strategies.

How to Give Your Finances a Year-End Review

As the New Year begins, take a look back at how your money did last year and start planning for more financial progress this year.

Everybody's Wrong About How Much House You Can Afford

Owning too much house often leads to your house owning you. Avoid becoming house poor with a radical approach to housing costs.

The One Personal Finance Skill You Must Master Before All the Others

Being a master of personal finance requires a few key skills, but none are as important as this one.

8 Debt Reduction Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Even the smartest people make mistakes while trying to reduce debt. Don’t be one of them.

Find Extra Cash by Rotating Your Credit Cards

Looking for a way to stretch your dollars and get ahead?. Try this twist on managing credit cards to free up cash for better use.

When Location Isn't King: How to Choose Income Rental Property

They say location is key when you're buying a home — but what about when investing in a rental property? Don't get stuck in the red!

This One Mistake Could Delay Your Retirement by 10 Years

Buying a home is a big decision and if you don't do it right, you could be paying for years and years. Use cash flow to help make the right choice.

It's 10 pm: Do You Know Where Your Net Worth Is?

We know we shouldn't compare our finances with our neighbors, but…we all want to. So how do you rank versus your neighbors in terms of net worth?

This Is How Donald Trump Builds Wealth (and You Can Too)

Donald Trump learned about the importance of cash flow the hard way. Read on to learn from his very expensive mistakes!

Just Saving Isn't Enough: How Cash Flow Allocation Helps You Retire

Classic asset allocation teaches investors to diversify for safety. Apply this strategy to your retirement to keep the bills paid, even in a bad economy.

Do You Know Your Retirement "Number"?

You might think you know the amount of money you'll need for a comfortable retirement — but you could be basing that off the wrong number.

4 Ways to Inject Cash into Your Business

Banks and other outside investors aren't the only sources of additional cash to grow your business.

4 Tips to Building Realistic Cash Flow Projections

A realistic cash flow projection can be a valuable planning aide. Here's how to keep your rose-tinted glasses from blinding you to reality.

Cash Flow Solutions for Your Bottom Line

These cash flow solutions can help you get a better handle on your cash flow — and become more profitable.

Essential Tools to Maximize Cash Flow

Using the cash flow formula to determine your cash flow projection will help your business use this precious resource more effectively.

The Psychology of Cash Flow

Money flows in and out of your life. To keep a good handle on it, you not only need to get a good handle on your budget, but also on your mind.

3 Strategies to Stay Afloat in Trying Times

If the recession is slowing your business down, try these simple strategies to get more done for less while improving cash flow.

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