cell phones

5 Painless Ways to Lower Your Cell Phone Bill

Dial in to these smart bill-lowering tactics, and watch your cell phone bill get a whole lot smaller.

How Family Plans Can Save you TONS

Subscription plans are all the rage these days. Save even more on your subscription services by utilizing family plans.

Best Money Tips: The Technology Edition

Today we are featuring some of the best articles from around the web about technology, ranging from apps to smartphones to green tech and more!

4 Powerful Smartphones That Aren't Overpriced

The smartphone market is maturing, and that means you can find plenty of mid-tier devices that offer performance at a reasonable price — without a contract.

3 Surprising Ways to Save on Wireless Bills

Cell phone voice and data charges can climb in a hurry. Keep your cell data bill manageable by managing your plan, and your usage, more cleverly.

Why Is the Cell Phone Industry So Screwed Up?

From patent wars to fierce competition among carriers, it can seem like the cell phone industry is in constant turmoil — and consumers are paying the price.

Seriously, Get Rid of Your Landline

Do you still have a telephone that plugs into the wall of your house? The number of people who do is dropping — and with good reason.

The Joy of Disconnecting

Technology can be helpful, wonderful...and incessant. Discover why it's important to put the smartphone down and take a break.

10 Out-of-Fashion but Totally Frugal Old Tools

From manual lawnmowers to payphones (remember those?), get back to basics (and save!) with these frugal alternatives to modern tools.

Are You Getting Charged by a Text Message Scam?

One writer shares her story about being charged for a cellphone text message service she never signed up for — and how you can avoid the same scam.

What’s Congress Up to? 4 New Measures that May Affect Your Business

New tax laws recently passed by Congress could affect your bottom line and your administrative overhead -- especially if your business is an online retailer.

Best Money Tips: How To Go Without Cell Phones

Today we found some great articles on how to go without cell phones, ways to make today unforgettable, and how to save on your stay the next time you vacation.

Buying a New Smartphone Without Extending Your Contract

Buying a new smartphone can be inexpensive if you're willing to extend your contract, but getting a cheap smartphone with no contract extension? That's an art.

Kick that Cell Phone Contract: Save with a Prepaid Plan

If you are married to your cell phone, you may not mind paying top dollar for your service plan, but you can save big money by going prepaid. Here's how.

No Signal? 6 Ways to Boost Your Cell Phone Reception

I have been researching and testing methods to boost my phone in case of emergencies. Here are the five methods that worked, with varying success, for me.

Free Ways to Keep Big Brother Out of Your Bidness

Cell Phone Madness I just love finding out that the government can find new and unique ways to listen in on our lives. [more]

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