credit rating

6 Credit Card Mistakes That Could Be Ruining Your Credit

Your credit score is vital to your financial health. Don't let these common credit card errors tank it.

What Is a Good Credit Score and Why Is It Important?

Credit scores can be confusing. Make sure you understand how they work and how to get a good credit rating.

5 Ways Life Is Amazing With an 800 Credit Score

A credit score in the 700s is pretty good and the rewards are nice. But for those few who crack 800? The financial world is their oyster.

5 Times You Should Never Use Your Company Credit Card

A business credit card is a big perk that comes with extra responsibility. Don't run afoul of your firm — or the authorities — through its misuse.

3 Ways To Build Good Business Credit With Bad Personal Credit

A bad personal credit rating is not the end of the world -- or your small business. It's a problem to be managed, just like any other.

How to Avoid Getting Your Credit Card Canceled

Find out why your credit card could be canceled on you without notice, and tips to help avoid it.