credit repair

3 Mistakes That Make a Bad Credit Situation Worse

A credit score of 600 or lower is officially "bad." Don't makes things worse by committing any of these common mistakes.

5 After the Holidays Moves Your Credit Score Will Thank You For

If the holidays put a hurting on your budget, there's no need to panic. These post-December moves will keep your credit in tip-top shape.

8 Credit Repair Mistakes That Will Cost You

So you're ready take on your awful credit score. Be careful — making these false steps could actually do more harm than good.

How to Spot a Credit Repair Scam

A reputable credit repair company can truly help you rebuild your credit. But beware — the scammers are out there.

Denied a Mortgage? Here's How to Fix It Fast

Depending on why a mortgage is denied, disappointed homebuyers often still have a shot at homeownership. Find out how to go from no to yes.

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