customer service

3 Killer E-commerce Website Features

Make the effort to add features to your ecommerce site that meet customer needs, and you'll build a site that satisfies user needs and meets your sales goals.

3 Ways to Build Magnificent Products

If you want to build a better business, take a look at how three business leaders build better products and borrow from the best.

How to Communicate Effectively

In the age of too much communication, getting your voice heard means keeping your messages clear, simple and direct.

What Apple Can Teach About Retailing

Apple's retail stores are becoming as iconic as Apple itself. Here's how Apple's retail experience sets the brand apart.

Customer Service Mistakes You’ll Never Recover From

Gaining customers is hard work. Make sure you aren't losing them through preventable customer service blunders.

6 Tips to Shrink Your Bills Every Year

An annual bill audit can help you ensure that you're not paying for things you don't need. Follow these steps to slash your regular costs.

The Rise In Artisans: Global Lessons From A Local Movement

Artisan businesses run the gamut, from chocolate to blue jeans. But they all share a keen focus on customer service and distinctive branding.

4 Ways to Treat Your Customers Like People

Your customers are people, too. So treat them that way!

Are Loyalty Programs A Marketing Gold Mine?

Your customer loyalty program can be so much more than just a way to reach out to your customers.

How a 5-Minute Email Saved Me $140

When you have a major problem with a purchase (and an exchange, and returning that exchange...), a well-worded complaint might be all you need.

Why Showing Your Customers The Love Is More Important Than The Sale

If you give your customers reasons to love you, they will. Here are six.

How to Get a Refund When Something Is Non-Refundable

The terms "non-refundable" and "non-returnable" make too many people avoid customer service. But with these tips, you can get results.

Increase Sales by Narrowing Customer Choices

Your customers are adrift in a sea of choices. Steer them to the sale with the right selection and the right information.

4 Keys to Creating Loyal Customers

Customer relationships are just like any other kind of relationship. To grow strong, they need to be nourished with honesty, attention and communication.

7 Business Lessons from Undercover Boss

Undercover Boss is more than a marketing tool for profiled businesses and broadcaster CBS. It's educational programming for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

How to Thank Customers without Spending Too Much

Use the host-beneficiary relationship to thank your customers. Or to gain new ones.

How Customer Service Trumps Innovation

Your customers aren't interested in what's easy for you. They're interested in what's easy for them.

5 Pitfalls of Price Promotions

You can't "make it up with volume" if your your pricing strategy is not aligned with your business strategy.

Unconventional Measures of Customer Service Excellence

Your customer service surveys and questionnaires may not be telling you what you need to know.

5 Ways to Make Your Customers Feel Warm and Fuzzy

Retaining customers is easy when you treat them well. Use these easy, low-cost ideas to make your customers feel extra special.

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