cutting back

18 Times in Life When Less Is More

From food to Facebook, and everything in between, you really could stand to do with less. Sometimes a LOT less.

Eat Less Sugar With These 10 Simple Tricks

Cutting back on the sweet stuff isn't easy — but it's definitely worth it. Be sweeter to your health with some simple ways to go sugar-free.

15 Ways to Have a Frugal Friday

Don't use the end of the workweek as an excuse to spend. Instead, celebrate Friday the frugal way with these 15 cost-cutting suggestions.

The Art of Asking for Fewer Gifts

Asking friends and family to give you fewer gifts can be met with confusion or even hostility. But if it's done with careful consideration, you can make everyone happy.

8 Ways Convenience is Screwing Your Finances

Convenience is great, but sometimes it costs more than it's worth.

How to live on $12,000 a year

In my first job out of college, I was on 12,000 English pounds per year. That was back in London in 1996, i was single, lived with two friends and only had rent and travel to pay for. And I still remember how tough that was. [more]

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